*waves at all the obsessive Mumsnutters trawling my twitter to ‘report back’ to the terven “mother ship” for back-slaps and gossip* 🙄
2020 June 22, Rachel the wolf (@TheWolfSpirit1), Twitter[5]:
I saw a Mumsnutter say something similarly nonsensical in another thread, about how if trans people are allowed to pee in the women's loo, then cis women lose their "legal right" to challenge a trans rapist...
2021 April 23, Carolyn Parsons (@Bongoangola), Twitter[6]:
This mumsnutter is obsessed with genitals, as all of them are.
2021 July 8, Fuck the LGB Alliance. (@ALLlANCELGBT), Twitter[7]:
Just for shits-and-giggles, here's a Mumsnutter not realising that ads are personalised based on your browsing history.
2021 July 28, Paula Griffin (@Paula_Griffin65), Twitter[8]:
And didn’t someone, @joss_prior maybe, mention a Mumsnutter purchasing loads of copies to try & “Peak Trans” her “friends”, neighbours, the postman, the milkman & anyone else that came within range?
2021 August 5, Fuck the LGB Alliance. (@ALLlANCELGBT), Twitter[9]:
It’s funny that Mumsnutters are still convinced that people just don’t understand what “gender critical” means and believe they’d have more support if people did.
2021 September 8, Rachel the wolf (@TheWolfSpirit1), Twitter[10]:
Hey trans guys, did you know that you're likely to be a "trojan horse" according to Mumsnutters?
2021 December 24, Transgender Conduit (@ConduitTrans), Twitter[11]:
Yet another Mumsnutter demonstrating how brain fried their bigotry has made them! 🙄
2022 March 3, Transgender Conduit (@ConduitTrans), Twitter[12]:
But Mumsnutters, conveniently, forget that [some cis women don't mestruate] so they can have a snide pop at trans mascs! 🙄
2022 May 13, Gaia Sophia (@GaiaSophia8), Twitter[13]:
The Prosecco Stormfront is revolting (now in both senses). One Mumsnutter said she'd donated £500 & now wants a refund because of what AB said re allowing "some 'TIMs'" into women's spaces. £500 is a lot of heating & eating, but no, the cult comes first. Her poor kid(s). 😢