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English citations of Listenbourg and Litensbourg

Proper noun: "a fictional European country to the northwest of Spain, created to poke fun at Americans' unfamiliarity with European geography"

ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2022 October 30, Guizezette, Twitter[1], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Listenbourg has won the 1986 World Cup, everybody know this country bro 💀
  • 2022 November 1, OkExtension8902, “The Flag Of Litensbourg : The New Country made by French on Twitter for that mocked the geography skills of you Americans”, in Reddit[2], vexillology, archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
  • 2022 November 2, Aleksandar Brezar, “What is Listenbourg? Why is it going viral on Twitter? Why did the meme become so big in Europe?”, in Euronews[3], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    It only took three days after a photoshopped map showing Listenbourg — a fictional country haphazardly tacked onto the Iberian peninsula — appeared on social media for the joke to take the world by storm.
  • 2022 November 3, Buzz Staff, “Listenbourg is at the Centre Of a Meme Storm, Here's Why”, in CNN-News18[4], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Another Twitter user claimed that King Listen XV of Listenbourg was, in fact, the first Sun King, who went to war against Louis XIV for the title in 1661. The Internet also has an official Listenbourg government account and you can find a red and white flag with golden eagle flying on the YouTube video of its national anthem.
  • 2022 November 3, Kieran Press-Reynolds, “The internet is going wild over Listenbourg, a fake country with a national anthem and TikTokers pretending to be its president”, in Yahoo! News[5], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Listenbourg is the newest country in the European Union — at least, that's what many on the internet want you to believe. The fictional country, which began as part of a joke using a photoshopped map of Europe, has taken over the internet this week, going viral in French-language social media circles across multiple platforms.
  • 2022 November 3, Ryanair, Twitter[6], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Proud to be announcing our new base in Listenbourg!
  • 2022 November 3, Map-Art, “Illustrated map of Europe's new State Listenbourg ✊”, in Reddit[7], Maps, archived from the original on 2022-11-04:

French citations of Listenbourg and Litensbourg

Proper noun: "a fictional European country to the northwest of Spain, created to poke fun at Americans' unfamiliarity with European geography"

1st c. 2nd c. 3rd c. 4th c. 5th c. 6th c. 7th c. 8th c. 9th c. 10th c. 11th c. 12th c. 13th c. 14th c. 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2022 October 30, themattiap, Twitter[8], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Ptnnn le Litensbourg je rêve d’y aller mais c’est cher 😭
    Fckkk Litensbourg I dream of going there but it's expensive 😭
  • 2022 October 30, kqkuja, Twitter[9], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    ils confondent le Portugal avec le Royaume-Uni tu crois qu’ils vont connaître le Litensbourg ?
    they confuse Portugal with the United Kingdom do you think they'll know Litensbourg?
  • 2022 October 30, VersaceASSE, Twitter[10], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Le litensbourg réel masterclass ce pays, tout est moins cher la bas[sic – meaning là-bas] + beaux paysages
    The real Litensbourg masterclass this country, everything is less expensive over there + beautiful landscapes
  • 2022 October 30, CmoiAdem, Twitter[11], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Hé regardez il connait pas le listenbourg
    Hey look he doesn't know listenbourg
  • 2022 October 30, GdfKami, Twitter[12], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Sachez que tout les gens qui pensent que la capitale du Listenbourg c’est Veroja ils se trompent complètement, c’est la capitale économique. La vraie capitale c’est Lurenberg
    Know that all the people who think that the capital of Listenbourg is Veroja are completely wrong, it is the economic capital. The real capital is Lurenberg
  • 2022 October 30, jessitadori, Twitter[13], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    la bouffe listenbourg >>>>> la bouffe US
    listenbourg food >>>>> US food
  • 2022 October 30, Louis_isc3, Twitter[14], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Non le listenbourg top 3 pays d’Europe malgré que ça soit cher les paysages sont magnifiques et la statue représente l’ancien roi cesarus pigeonus du listenbourg connu pour ses jsp frère c’est long
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2022 October 31, WorldKnownledge, Twitter[15], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Faudrait que je fasse un thread sur l’histoire du Listenbourg
    I should do a thread on the history of Listenbourg
  • 2022 October 31, Paris2024, Twitter[16], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Le nombre de délégations olympiques pour #Paris2024 passe de 206 à 207 avec l’arrivée du Listenbourg.
    Bienvenue l’ekip[sic – meaning Bienvenue dans l’équipe]
    The number of Olympic delegations for #Paris2024 goes from 206 to 207 with the arrival of Listenbourg.
    Welcome to the team ✨
  • 2022 October 31, anecdote_rapide, Twitter[17], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Thread sur l’histoire incroyable du Listenbourg, le pays qui a su se faire discret :
    Thread on the incredible history of Listenbourg, the country that knows how to be discreet:
  • 2022 October 31, KIBOSHI345, Twitter[18], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Sah je vie à Listenbourg depuis 15 ans déjà je suis trop content,mais bizarre qu’il y a aps[sic – meaning pas] de président ni de rois
    Seriously I've lived in Listenbourg for 15 years already I am so happy,but it's weird that there's no president or kings
  • 2022 November 1, Crypto__Goku, Twitter[19], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Satoshi Nakamoto sort du silence et renomme le #Bitcoin en #Listencoin en l’honneur de son pays natal, le #Listenbourg.
    Satoshi Nakamoto broke the silence and renamed the #Bitcoin to #Listencoin in honor of his native country, #Listenbourg.
  • 2022 November 1, colonelreyel, Twitter[20], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:
    Bientôt plus de place pour ma tournée au Listenbourg, dépêchez-vous 🔥
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2022 November 1, RaplLSTBRG, Twitter[21], archived from the original on 2022-11-04:

    Gagne ta place pour aller voir @colonelreyel en tournée au #Listenbourg (Complet)

    RT + Follow @RaplLSTBRG

    Win your place to go see @colonelreyel on tour at #Listenbourg (Sold out)

    RT + Follow @RaplLSTBRG