Citations:Homer Simpsonian
English citations of Homer Simpsonian
Adjective: of or pertaining to Homer Simpson
[edit]1993 1994 1996 1997 1998 1999 | 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 | ||||||
ME « | 15th c. | 16th c. | 17th c. | 18th c. | 19th c. | 20th c. | 21st c. |
- 1993 June 11, Yousuf Khan <>, “Re: Mansell-Tracy-Mi. Andretti”, in[1] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- It was often quite frustrating to watch Villeneuve because he would go out of the race so often. Most of the time it was mechanical: clutch torn to shreds, engine leaking oil all over the place, transmission gears stripped smooth, etc. These really are never blamed on the driver, but I'm sure Gilles' racing style had a lot to do with his horrible mechanical breakdown rates. I could remember watching many of his races and then a Homer Simpsonian "DOHP!!" would come out of my mouth, "his #$#*% car broke down again!". And that was the end of his race.
- 1994 March 2, Katherine Courtney <>, “Re: Mike Colburn=administrative whipping boy”, in alt.flame[2] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- (Mike Colburn) wrote:
- > D'oh!
- Spoken in the true Homer Simpsonian fashion. Ya know Mike, I think you watch too much TV. You're always on top all all these quirkie factiods of American Pop culture....maybe you should read a book or something.
- 1996 November 21, Mark Choh <>, “Re: Letter "M's" at Keil and GOD...and Weekapaug”, in[3] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- Benjy, wouldn't this be the Homer Simpsonian rule of yuMMy warM and fuzzy? Homer's usually the one who says the line (example "mmmmmmmm.......Amrit")
- 1997 December 31, <>, “Re: Vinegar?”, in[4] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- Oh (In Homer Simpsonian timbre), and whooo made yoooo the expert on commercial products?
- 1998 April 18, Smith / McGrath <>, “Re: PAX asked to "take a sip" at security”, in[5] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I once had to drink from my cloudy plastic canteen of (stupid me) Apple juice. This was not in the USA. I suppose it looked a bit like gasoline. (A big Homer Simpsonian "Doh!")
- 1998 November 27, Brian A. Cowper <ca241@FreeNet.Carleton.CA>, “Re: Foreign Investing (Was: Representation of fees)”, in[6] (Usenet), message-ID <73maat$>:
- And to touch on another thread which re-appeared with monotonous regularity, that is why conventional planning wisdom about six month income emergency funds of cash-like investments is so mindbogglingly assinnine. It is advocated by narrow-minded, dim-witted non-thinkers trapped in some sort of dark-ages mentality, who constantly are bandaging up the bruises on their foreheads having bumped into the _same_ tree on repeated occasions in some sort of Homer Simpsonian dream state. The results of such recommendations have done irreparable damage to all those who have listened, and continue to do so.
- 1999 February 4, Zepp <>, “Re: The Truth about Carville”, in alt.society.liberalism, talk.politics.misc,[7] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- Describing O'Dell as smart or stupid is a bit like discussing the screen refresh rate of your printer. Jeff lacks the imagination to be crazy, so he settles for Homer Simpsonian stupidity instead.
- 1999 March 31, Chad Maloney <>, “Re: Hi, I'm new”, in[8] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- Please, have a nice sit on the rug in front of the fire. If it's too warm (15 degrees celsius is around 60 degrees fahrenheit as we've learned recently on the education station that is a.m.m-f) you are more than welcome to pull the rug over to the fridge and open the door for a bit in a Homer Simpsonian[1] way. [...]
- [1] Remember that one where Homer put a sheet over the fridge and sat under the cool tentness it provided? Of course you do.
- 2000 September 18, Mike Zaite <>, “Re: Jojo's Week In Review, 9/12 - 9/15”, in[9] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- I prefer the more Homer Simpsonian [nickname]: George Stephan-a-bopolis.
- 2001 May 2, N-Star <>, “Re: Predictions... by Anal Paste”, in[10] (Usenet), message-ID <qOLH6.9027$>:
- And yes, San Jose fans don't cry either.. I've noticed San Jose fans have taken a "Homer Simpsonian" approach to their team: Aim low and avoid disappointment.
- 2002, Loss Pequeño Glazier, Digital poetics: the making of e-poetries[11], illustrated edition, University of Alabama Press, →ISBN, page 86:
- Someone once told me, that if you've used a remote control, you've experienced hypertext. I suppose this is true, especially if there's also a newspaper draped across your shorts and you're reading the back of a bag of chips. But this is a rather extreme, decadent, and Homer Simpsonian definition.
- 2003 September 6, Jouni Filip Maho <>, “Exclamation in Prisoner”, in alt.usage.english[12] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- One of its characters, a prisoner named Lizzie Birdsworth, has the habit of making a certain exclamation which, I assume, meaning-wise (or pragmatically) corresponds fairly well to the Homer Simpsonian "Duh!".
- 2003 October 2, Anders Lustig <>, “Re: Loch Ness marathon report”, in rec.running[13] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- Actually I´m a bit worried that you might be able to take a more longview approach and not race yourself silly during the next six months; the idea of yet another rec.runner going sub-three, in London or in Rotterdam for instance, before I´ll be even close to making an attempt, should perhaps motivate me but at the moment it seems like it would only generate a Homer Simpsonian resignation...
- 2005, Steve Rushin, The Caddie Was a Reindeer: And Other Tales of Extreme Recreation, reprint edition, Grove Press, →ISBN, page 97:
- Yet reading this last line at midnight in Harry's Bar, at large in the land of the World Cup, I have but one thought, and it is a Homer Simpsonian one at that: mmmmmm . . . cocktail.
- 2006 March 30, Harry Sigerson <>, “Re: Olli Lounela's tournament report from IGS's early years (1993)”, in[14] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- Mr bar tender, please pass young Hans here one of your excellent steins of Augsburgian beer (the very thought brings on a Homer Simpsonian 'hmmmmm')
- 2006 September 6, Harry Sigerson <>, “Re: The Big Tease”, in[15] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
- At which point there will be a huge Homer Simpsonian 'Duh' posted on the Internet. Okay, you might need to know the Korean for 'Duh' and all other multi-lingual 'Duhs', but it would be a duhcided improvement.