I'm as big of a Han Solo as everyone else, but this is where reading the manual comes in handy.
2009, Robert Cantrell, Outpacing the Competition: Patent-Based Business Strategy, page 104:
When looked at collectively, if there are enough Han Solos, then enough will beat the odds to deliver the benefits of success that collective inaction would never deliver.
2012, Steve McKnight, From 0 to 260+ Properties in 7 Years, unnumbered page:
I make this point as I see quite a number of eager investors trying to be property Han Solos — that is, trying to do everything themselves.
Even at age eight the middle Taylor son had understood the appeal of the bad-boy. Let Luke Skywalker get the glory—the Han Solos of the world were the ones who got the girl.
2019, Tim James, Fundamental: How Quantum and Particle Physics Explain Absolutely Everything (Except Gravity), unnumbered page:
A skilled raconteur and an unashamed prankster, Feynman was the Han Solo of physics.
Noun: "the act of replying to 'I love you' with 'I know'"