English citations of GOOS
- 2008 September 11, “Waste minimisation for kids”, in The Southland Times, page WM.14:
- Give your children GOOS paper (Good On One Side) for drawings.
- 2009 May 9, “Students put great idea to paper”, in The Nelson Mail, page 4:
- Called GOOS pads, which stands for "good on one side", students from rooms one and seven collect the paper, cut it and glue it into the pads which are then sold for 50c to parents.
Teacher Janice Cowley said the idea for the GOOS pads came from a school in the North Island, and was one of a number of projects Nayland Primary had introduced on the path to becoming a zero-waste school.
- 2009 September 24, Scott Pettigrew, “NAEC wins gold by going green”, in Stirling EMC, page 15:
- Increased involvement in ECO-initiatives such as the GOOS Bin (Good On One Side) paper collection program, courtyard revitalization, and increased awareness of energy conservation strategies such as turning off the lights and computer monitors when not in use. […] The Grade nines last year were the ones who focused on the courtyard cleanup and the production of GOOS bins.
- 2012 June 21, Dan Brown, “'Note passing' in class survives, it's just different”, in The London Free Press, page A8:
- "We have a GOOS (Good On One Side) paper bin in the room. Self-explanatory, but paper that has writing on one side but the other side is blank and can still be used for rough work or brainstorming etc. They write the message on the GOOS paper, make eye contact and then put the page in the GOOS paper. Then the other person goes to get GOOS paper and retrieves the message," he explained.
- 2018 July 4, Uzma Jalaluddin, “The perils of meal planning”, in The Toronto Star (Online):
- “Why are you writing on a piece of paper?” he asks, appalled.
I look down at the back of the school flyer I had just scribbled on. “ … Because I believe in GOOS paper?”
- 2020, Lindsay Bunce, Nancy McGee, Christina Phillips-MacNeil, “Ontario EcoSchools: A Framework for Environmental Learning and Action in K-12 Schools”, in Annette Gough, John Chi-Kin Lee, Eric Po Keung Tsang, editors, Green Schools Globally: Stories of Impact on Education for Sustainable Development, Cham: Springer, →ISBN, page 109:
- GOOS Bins
91% of participating EcoSchools have implemented a GOOS paper (or Good On One Side paper) system within their classrooms, libraries, and administrative areas. The concept is very simple and requires a school to create a bin system to house paper that is still blank "good" on one side. This encourages staff and students to use the other side of the GOOS paper for quick notes, quizzes, etc. in lieu of reaching for a fresh piece.