2002 November 27, cheebs!, “FIC: Returning - F/B, PG, 1/1”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[1] (Usenet):
note(s): For FC, Piper, Elaine, B_A and everyone who asked for more Fuffy. :)
2003 January 5, Alberich, “I hope it ends with Fuffy, not Spuffy”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[2] (Usenet):
2003 January 5, Alberich, “Re: Faith may rat out Buffy”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[3] (Usenet):
I personally wish Joss will give us a Fuffy ending to the series...Buffy realizing it's Faith she needs to be with.
2005 July 16, Aaron Davies, “Re: SEASON 4 FIC CHALLENGE: Looking for a good character development fic!”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[4] (Usenet):
You guys need to read more (fem)slash. In most of the Wuffy and Fuffy fics I've read recently, Spike is either absent, or plain old pre-chip Evil!Spike.
2005 July 21, Aaron Davies, “Re: What do you hate about fan fiction ?”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[5] (Usenet):
Every (non-PWP) Fuffy story I've read in the couple years is about what a tortured soul Faith is, and how Buffy's love redeems her, and I'm sick of it.
Proper noun: "(Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom slang) Faith while inhabiting Buffy Summers' body during their bodyswap"
2000 March 21, UNwilly, “Re: HAHA RILEY SLEPT WITH FAITH”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[6] (Usenet):
Further when Faith had sex with Riley it was also under false pretenses and thus violative of Riley. He was not consenting to have sex with Fuffy, but Buffy.
2000 March 22, John R. Cooper, “Re: I want Riley back next season”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[7] (Usenet):
He stays behind with only minimal protest while Fuffy goes into the church to fight the vampires.
2000 April 1, mc...@hotmail.com, “Re: sorry, rose, one last Riley thread”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[8] (Usenet):
With regard to favorite scenes, I have to say I liked the scene where Riley and Fuffy (is that what you guys call Faith-in-Buffy's-body?) slept together.
2000 April 4, Loots, “Re: "Superstar"...I liked it! (spoilers)”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[9] (Usenet):
Oh, who am I kidding, I was delighted to see him get back at Buffy (Fuffy really, but he doesn't know that) for coming on to him in the Bronze.
2000 May 24, Molly Moloney, “Re: Restless Comments”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[10] (Usenet):
Tara displayed some remarkable perceptiveness in "Who are You" realizing that Fuffy wasn't Buffy.
2003 April 16, DarkMagic, “Re: First thought on "Dirty Girls"”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[11] (Usenet):
The only chemistry I ever noticed between Spike and Buffy was when she was Fuffy.
2004 January 18, KenM37, “Re: Why evil Spike”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer[12] (Usenet):
Never smart enough to realize his sexual obsession with Buffy arose from his encounter with Faith as Fuffy.