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English citations of Chunghsing

  • 1978, Allan B. Goldenthal, “Republic of China: Current Summary by U.S. Dept. of State”, in Think Chinese, Speak Chinese [想中文。説中文。]‎[1], Regents Publishing Company, Inc., →OCLC, page 394:
    The top local government organs are the Taiwan Provincial Government (located in central Taiwan at Chunghsing New Village, near Taichung) and Taipei Special Municipality.
  • 1995, Roger Mark Selya, “From colonial backwater to world city”, in Taipei[2], John Wiley & Sons, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 4:
    In 1958 the Taiwan provincial government was moved to a new site southeast of the mid-island city of Taichung, in Chunghsing New Village, Nantou hsien (county). This site, some 180 kilometers down island from Taipei and so located near the center of the island, was supposed to delineate clearly centers of power. However, this clear separation has never truly evolved for several reasons. First, the provincial government for a long time lacked the trained administrative and technical personnel to carry out all its functions. Therefore projects conceived and developed in Chunghsing New Village commonly had to be approved in Taipei before they could be implemented (Jacoby, 1966). Secondly, government personnel and legislators working in Chunghsing New Village disliked the area, which they perceived rightly as being far removed from the center of power.
  • 2015, Bi-yu Chang, Place, Identity and National Imagination in Postwar Taiwan[3], Routledge, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, →OL:
    Nine months after the ‘Interim Statute’ took effect a magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit Taiwan on 21 September 1999, which was generally referred to as the 921 Earthquake.⁵¹ The epicentre — Chichi (Jiji) — was roughly 20 kilometres to the south of Chunghsing New Village, and the earthquake destroyed almost half of the community.
  • 2016 November 1, Shelley Shan, “‘Mosquito buildings’ to be put to use”, in Taipei Times[4], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on November 01, 2016, Taiwan News, page 3‎[5]:
    The largest rarely used facility is an advanced research park in Nantou County’s Chunghsing New Village (中興新村), which used to house the defunct Taiwan Provincial Government.
  • [2022 September 14, Tung Chen-kuo, Jonathan Chin, “Academy dedicated to the circular economy founded”, in Taipei Times[6], →ISSN, →OCLC, archived from the original on September 14, 2022, Taiwan News, page 3‎[7]:
    The Nantou campus is in Jhongsing New Village (中興新村), the former seat of the now-defunct Taiwan Provincial Government, university president Shieu Fuh-sheng (薛富盛) said.]