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English citations of Chi-hsi

In Heilongjiang

  • 1962 [1959], Sun Ching-chih, Economic Geography of Northeast China: Liaoning, Kirin, Heilungkiang[1], Peiping: United States Joint Publications Research Service, →OCLC, pages 480–481:
    The value of the timber processing industrial output in Mu-tan-chiang City constitutes about 80% of the total value of the timber processing industrial output of the entire district. In addition, there are other timber processing plants located in Chi-hsi City and the centers in the various hsiens.
  • 1971, The Cultural Revolution in the Provinces[2], Harvard University Press, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, page 45:
    The Pei-ching jih-pao (Peking daily) also admitted to trouble in this region of Heilungkiang. It claimed that in March the military entered the Chi-hsi mines and offices to “establish unity” among the Red Guard organizations within. It was said that “many accidents occurred,” although the blame was placed on lack of cadre leadership.
  • 1974, D. J. Dwyer, editor, China Now: an Introductory Survey with Readings[3], Longman, →ISBN, →LCCN, →OCLC, →OL, page 237:
    In Manchuria, Chi-hsi has been described as developing into one of China’s largest coal centres and the population there is now said to be ‘several hundred thousands’ (NCNA, 25 November 1960).

In Anhui
