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Noun: "(Dragon Age fandom slang) a player who romances the Iron Bull during a playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition"[ edit ]
2015 2019 2022 2023
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2015 September 8, alexandriaweb, Reddit [1] :Kinda sucks that Bullmancers miss out on the dancing at the Winter Palace (well I suppose that happened, just off screen) and a wedding if true, [ …]
2015 October 24, osteopierogies, Reddit [2] :You absolutely don't have to take that flirt option with Bull. I'm a diehard Bullmancer and I've only taken it once in all my playthroughs, AKA the first time I ever played and I didn't know how much I would hate it.
2019 July 1, [ deleted user account] , Reddit [3] :As a Bullmancer, I’m going to have to fight you now. He’s the best romance with the most interesting relationship outcome depending on your choices.
2022 June 2, jazzajazzjazz, Reddit [4] :The Bullmancers got fricked over in Trespasser imo
2023 February 13, ratatav, Reddit [5] :Oh my fucking god I didn’t know that. My enjoyment of Cullen will forever be tainted by this 😭😭😭 Ah well, was always a gay Bullmancer anyway