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English citations of Brexocalypse

Proper noun: "(UK politics) the negative economic and political impact of Brexit"

2016 2016 2018 2018 2019
ME « 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2016, Asa Bennett, "How the EU referendum could lead to a zombie apocalypse by Christmas. Maybe.", The Daily Telegraph, 23 June 2016:
    Option 2: Brexocalypse Now
    Britain votes for Brexit, to the delight of Boris Johnson and his Brexiteer colleagues. Nigel Farage leads a special flotilla up the Thames again in triumph, and Bob Geldof doesn't dare to stop him this time.
  • 2016, Alex Proud, "10 reasons to be cheerful (during the Brexocalypse)", The Daily Telegraph, 4 July 2016
  • 2018, Jennifer O'Connell, "Keep calm and stockpile: An Irish parcel for Brexit Britain", The Irish Times, 1 August 2018:
    In the grand tradition of the parcels that were sent home from Britain and America to Irish families in times of hardship, we’re compiling a survival kit for the Brexocalypse, using the best of Irish produce. A Bosca Brexit, if you will.
  • 2018, Jennifer O'Connell, "“Brexit stockpile: Favourite foods you might not know are British", The Irish Times, 18 December 2018:
    In Britain, stockpiling for the Brexocalypse has taken over from Black Friday shopping as the consumer event of the year, with reports of everything from wine to tins of chilli con carne being hoarded in the name of #takingbackcontrol – but should we be doing the same?
  • 2019, "Galley Goddess", The Islander Magazine, March 2019, page 116:
    How should we, on our small island in Spain be preparing for an inevitable and impending Brexocalypse?