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Citations:Bipolar Express

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English citations of Bipolar Express

  • 1998 November 10, Snowtree, “re:I'm leaving - will be back”, in alt.support.depression.manic[1] (Usenet):
    um totally outta line :) there are lots of redheads in the world (my personalfav haircolor) so stop being david the photographer for one hour and be david the man with a seat on the bipolar express instead :) plenty of time to daydream between sessions!
  • 2000 January 23, Julie K, “Re:New”, in soc.support.depression.manic[2] (Usenet):
    Welcome aboard the bipolar express. If you have been lurking andreading through our posts, Im sure you can see we are quite a diverse group here.
  • 2008 July 31, spudnik, “Re: gravity theory”, in sci.math[3] (Usenet):
    or, just make a stop on the bipolar express