Citations:(• ◡•)

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Translingual citations of (• ◡•)

Symbol: "an emoticon representing a smiling face"


English citations

1st c. 2nd c. 3rd c. 4th c. 5th c. 6th c. 7th c. 8th c. 9th c. 10th c. 11th c. 12th c. 13th c. 14th c. 15th c. 16th c. 17th c. 18th c. 19th c. 20th c. 21st c.
  • 2015 August 11, Uncle Monster [username], “Re: OT: buying cars”, in[1] (Usenet; in English):
    DayGlow paint on the light pole near your vehicle. I'd use water color that would wash off in the rain or perhaps brightly colored chalk line chalk sprayed up high on a light pole near your vehicle and that would probably wash off a lot easier in the rain. Perhaps petition the legislature to require retail stores or shopping centers with large parking lots to install number signs on the light poles in their parking lots. The same thing would help at the large parking lots at stadiums and coliseums. If there were an accident or medical emergency, it would definitely help police and paramedics find those who need assistance. It may have already been done somewhere but not around here. Hey, I think I'm on to something. (• ◡•)