- 2018, 郭必之, “早期马尼拉闽南语的系属问题”, in 语言研究集刊, volume 21, number 2, page 381:
- 现在菲律宾华侨的祖上大部分都是在十九世纪末、二十世纪初移居当地的,与“常来人”没有直接的关系。
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 2021, 王晗一 [Wang Hanyi], “马尼拉的中国形象:十六世纪末《谟区查抄本》中的中国人物插画研究 [The China Images in Manila: Research of China Images’ Illustrations on the Late Sixteenth Century Boxer Codex]”, in Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 594, , page 614:
- Ellen Hsieh 认为,将“常来 Sangley”人物置于“廣東”夫妇之后,很可能是画师的刻意安排,从侧面突出来自福建的常来人地位优于广东人。
- (please add an English translation of this quotation)
- 2021, 派崔克.佛洛雷斯 [Patrick Flores], “凱薩賽聖母(圖像) [Our Lady of Caysasay (Image)]”, in 地域性的子午線:菲律賓和臺灣的藝術史書寫與當代文化策展 [Meridians of Region: Writing Art History and Curating Contemporary Culture in the Philippines and Taiwan][1], Philippine Contemporary Art Network & Taiwan Visual Art Archive, page 290:
- 李氏提及菲律賓華人(或稱「常來人」)胡安.因賓(Juan Imbin),他原本被認為已和其他常來人一同死亡,卻又死而復生,並宣稱聖母瑪利亞「出現在海上指引他回到鎮上」;在菲律賓的西班牙官員一向對華人的道德和品行存疑,而常來人遭遇的奇蹟更讓情況變得複雜。
- Lee foregrounds Juan Imbin, a Chinese in the Philippines, or a Sangley, who supposedly rose from the dead after he was thought to have died with fellow Sangleys. He claimed that the Virgin “appeared at sea and guided him back into his town.” That the miracle happened to a Sangley complicated matters for the Spanish officials in the Philippines who were suspicious of the Chinese and their moral and ethical disposition.