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Japanese citations of 失フ

  • 1945 August 14th, the Shōwa Emperor [昭和天皇], 大東亞戰爭終結ノ詔書 [Edict to end the Great East Asia War], paragraph 5, sentence 2:
    Moshi sore zyau no geki suru tokoro midari ni jitan wo shige kushi arui wa doufau faisei tagafi ni jikyoku wo midari tame ni daidou wo ayamari shingi wo sekai ni usinafu ka gotoki wa Tin mottomo kore wo imashimu[.]
    Beware most strictly of any outbursts of emotion which may endanger needless complications, or any fraternal contention and strife which may create confusion, lead ye astray and cause ye to lose the confidence of the world.
    1945 translation by Tadaichi Hirakawa [平川唯一]