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Chinese citations of 堅尼地 / 坚尼地


  • 2015 December 5, “英超聖誕悲喜大不同 車仔狂歡維拉冇份”, in Ming Pao[1]:
    With the permission of Mourinho, Chelsea F.C. forward Diego Costa (pictured) and two of his fellow Brazillians, Ramires and Robert Kenedy stayed at a night club until 3 a.m.


  • 1968 November 4, “美前第一夫人與船王秘聞”, in Tai Hon Kong Bo[2]:
    美前總統堅尼地遺孀積姬堅尼地 []
    Former US president Kennedy's widow Jackie Kennedy
  • 2002 January 6, 韓承良, “教宗若望二十三世被列真福品 (下)”, in Kung Kao Po[3]:
    A photo of the Pope [John XXIII] was placed a museum in Moscow with permission from the authorities. In it [the photo], was Pope John XXIII smiling serenely; beneath it reads "This is one who advocates for peace". It was the time when US president Kennedy was making a fuss on the missiles installed in Cuba by the Soviet Union.
  • 2019 May 29, “阿仙奴門將2救12碼 美國殺入金盃4強”, in 體波[4], 東網:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)
  • 2022 May 28, “歐聯爭霸戰│歷史有Take 2? 利迷指望「新堅尼地」做英雄”, in 星島日報[5]:
    (please add an English translation of this quotation)