How much, and for what demerits of his, he was beloved, an easie matter it is to make an æstimate.
1635C.E., Francis Lister Hawks, A Relation of Maryland, Joseph Sabin; Chapter VI, page #46:
[…] with any number of able men, betweene the ages of 16 and 50, each man being provided in all things neceſſary for a Plantatio (which, together with their tranſportation, will amount to about 20 l. a man, as by an æſtimate hereafter following may appeare) there ſhalbe aſſigned unto every ſuch adventurer, […]
1675C.E., JNO Russel, quoted in Early History of Springfield, F. W. Morris; page #74:
There appeared not (according to their æstimate) above 100 Indians ; of whom their own were the cheife.
1618C.E., A Short Discourse, in Transactions and collections of the American Antiquarian Society; Volume IV, page #297:
But, for better satisfacon, I brake downe some peeces of ice wth a staffe I had in my hand ; wch, in their falling, made a noise on ech side much like to a peice of glasse throwen downe the well within Douer Castle : wherby wee did æstimate the thicknes or height of this ice to be 30 fathomes.
1665C.E., John Kerswel, Speculum Gratitudinis; page #28:
[…] Tell me, Men and Brethren, and all that hear me this day, How can we ſufficiently æſtimate, or worthily priſe ſo rich a Bleſſing ?
[…] but this approbation (which among the higher ranks of society is for the most part simulated, and forms one portion of the general prevailing hypocrisy of this present time) will not disarm the judgment of posterity, who will no doubt have ampler data, than we have, whereby to æstimate the spirit of the innovation of these times.