Chian earth
[edit]From its origin on Chios, a Greek island.
[edit]- A soft, dense, flaky, greyish-white earth found on the island of Chios, anciently used as an astringent and cosmetic.
- 1771, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1st ed., volume II, page 183:
- CHIAN earth, in pharmacy, one of the medicinal earths of the ancients, the name of which is preſerved in the catalogues of the materia medica but of which nothing more than the name has been known for many ages in the ſhops.
It is a very denſe and compact earth, and is ſent hither in ſmall flat pieces from the iſland of Chios, in which it is found in great plenty at this time. It ſtands recommended to us as an aſtringent. They tell us, it is the greateſt of all coſmetics, and that it gives a whiteneſs and ſmoothneſs to the ſkin, and prevents wrinkles, beyond any of the other ſubſtances that have been celebrated for the ſame purpoſes.