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Latest comment: 1 year ago by W3steve in topic Korean loans from Jinglish

Korean loans from Jinglish


Somewhere I came across this list of Korean loans from Jinglish. Seems like most or all of them would be pseudo-loans from English, but I haven’t thought carefully about that. Also not sure about adding them when I don’t remember where I found the list.

  1. 애프터 서비스 customer service, warranty < after + service (アフターサービス)
  2. 아파트 apartment building < apartment (アパート)
  3. 오토바이 motorcycle < auto + bicycle (オートバイ)
  4. 백미러 rear-view mirror < back + mirror (バックミラー)
  5. 본드 glue, adhesive < bond (ボンド)
  6. 바바리코트 trench coat < Burberry coat (バーバリコート)
  7. 커리어우먼 a woman who works < career + woman (キャリアウーマン)
  8. 캐리어 suit case < carrier + bag (キャリーバッグ)
  9. 사이다 lemon-lime drink < cider (サイダー)
  10. 서클 student's club < circle (サークル)
  11. 콤플렉스 insecurity, sense of inferiority < complex (コンプレックス)
  12. 콘센트 power sockets, outlets < consentric plug (コンセント)
  13. 커닝, 컨닝 cheating < cunning (カンニング)
  14. 에로 lewd < erotic (エロ)
  15. 대시 asking someone out, approaching, taking the initiative (in dating) < dash (ダッシュ)
  16. 팬시 stationery < fancy + Japanese goods (ファンシー商品)
  17. 파이팅, 화이팅 Go go go!, Good luck!, You can do it! < fight (ファイト)
  18. 개그맨 comedian < gag + man (ギャグマン)
  19. 개그우먼 comedian < gag + woman (ギャグウーマン)
  20. 글래머 a buxom woman < glamour + girl (グラマーガール)
  21. 키홀더 keychain < key + holder (キーホルダー)
  22. 핸들 steering wheel < handle (ハンドル)
  23. 헬스클럽 gym < health + club (ヘルスクラブ)
  24. 호치키스 stapler < American brand name E. H. Hotchkiss Company (ホチキス)
  25. 미싱 sewing machine < machine (ミシン)
  26. 매스컴 mass media < mass + communication (マスコミ)
  27. 모닝콜 wakeup call < morning + call (モーニングコール)
  28. 원피스 dress < one + piece (ワンピース)
  29. 원룸 studio apartment < one + room + mansion (ワンルームマンション)
  30. 오픈카 convertible < open + car (オープンカー)
  31. 리모컨 remote control < remote + control (リモコン)
  32. 리포트 term paper < report (リポート)
  33. 린스 hair conditioner < cream rinse (リンス)
  34. 러닝머신 treadmill < running + machine (ランニングマシーン)
  35. 서비스 something that is free of charge < service (サービス)
  36. 샤프 mechanical pencil < sharp + pencil (シャープペンシル)
  37. 사인 autograph < sign (サイン)
  38. 스킨십 physical contact < skin + -ship (スキンシップ)
  39. 에스엔에스 social media < social + networking + service (エスエヌエス)
  40. 스탠드 desk lamp < stand (スタンド)
  41. 슈퍼 corner shop < supermarket (スーパー)
  42. 탤런트 televised drama actor < talent (タレント)
  43. 테이프 클리너 lint remover < tape + cleaner (テープクリーナー)
  44. 트럼프 카드 playing cards < trump + card (トランプ・カード)
  45. 투피스 skirt or pants and a top < two + piece (ツーピース)
  46. 비닐하우스 green house < vinyl + house (ビニールハウス)
  47. 와이셔츠 dress shirt < white shirt (ワイシャツ))

W3steve (talk) 21:40, 19 March 2023 (UTC)Reply