Category:Central Atlas Tamazight lemmas
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Central Atlas Tamazight lemmas, categorized by their part of speech.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight adjectives: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that give attributes to nouns, extending their definitions.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight adverbs: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that modify clauses, sentences and phrases directly.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight conjunctions: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that connect words, phrases or clauses together.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight determiners: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that narrow down, within the conversational context, the referent of the following noun.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight interjections: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that express emotions, sounds, etc. as exclamations.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight morphemes: Central Atlas Tamazight word-elements used to form full words.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight multiword terms: Central Atlas Tamazight lemmas that are a combination of multiple words, including idiomatic combinations.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight nouns: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that indicate people, beings, things, places, phenomena, qualities or ideas.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight numerals: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that quantify nouns.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight prepositions: Central Atlas Tamazight adpositions that are placed before their objects.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight pronouns: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that refer to and substitute nouns.
- Category:Central Atlas Tamazight verbs: Central Atlas Tamazight terms that indicate actions, occurrences or states.
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This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.
- Central Atlas Tamazight adjectives (0 c, 56 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight adverbs (0 c, 14 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight conjunctions (0 c, 9 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight determiners (0 c, 7 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight interjections (0 c, 2 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight multiword terms (0 c, 11 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight numerals (0 c, 28 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight prepositions (0 c, 17 e)
- Central Atlas Tamazight pronouns (0 c, 32 e)
Pages in category "Central Atlas Tamazight lemmas"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 683 total.
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