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From Buffy +‎ fic.



Buffyfic (countable and uncountable, plural Buffyfics)

  1. (countable, fandom slang) A fanfic based on the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    • 2001 January 17, vicpusateri [username], “Fic: Xander Steps Up [1/1]”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[1] (Usenet):
      Also, this is, amazingly enough, my first ever Buffyfic, so be kind.
    • 2002 August 12, Katie M, “See No Evil, See No Good (Part 24/?)”, in alt.tv.er.creative[2] (Usenet):
      I'll probably be switching back and forth between this and a Buffyfic I'm writing, but there shouldn't be any more huge gaps *crossing fingers*
    • 2004 March 1, MSey [username], “Re: FIC Stepping Out 1/1 Buffy/Angel PG”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[3] (Usenet):
      The first Buffyfic I ever read was set in the Bronze: Changing Hands (I think that was the title).
  2. (uncountable, fandom slang) Such fan fiction collectively.
    • 1999 November 3, Lots42 [username], “Fumbling creative writer with questions”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[4] (Usenet):
      I decided I should write. And what would be more fun to write then[sic] Buffyfic?
    • 2000 October 31, Janet Caires Lesgold, “Buffy vs. TXF”, in alt.fan.david-duchovny[5] (Usenet):
      All I know is that I don't feel the need to write Buffyfic anymore: Joss doesn't leave any character gaps AT ALL.
    • 2003 November 27, M. Scott Eiland, “Re: Most famous?”, in alt.tv.buffy-v-slayer.creative[6] (Usenet):
      This might be a case where the good old-fashioned unscientific survey comes in handy, as this is a NG where the readers clearly read far more Buffyfic than the average fan, and probably a wider variety--since this isn't a specialty fic group.