Appendix:Novial suffixes
Prefixes - Suffixes - Pronunciation Guide
Substantival Suffixes (which form nouns)
[edit]-eso | to form abstracts, denotes state of being | vereso truth, state of being true |
febleso weakness |
venkateso defeat |
-o | forms verbal nouns | ploro weeping |
opino thinking, opinion |
sentio feeling, feel |
-(t)ione | denotes partly the result (as a whole) or the resulting state, partly the way or manner in which something is done | definitione definition |
evolutione evolution |
satisfaktione satisfaction |
-um | denotes the product of action (as distinct from the way in which it is done) to be added to the passive participle | fabrikatum manufactured article |
printatum printed matter |
kopiatum copy, something copied |
-ure | denotes the result or product (as distinct from the act itself) | pikture picture |
inventure invention |
fotografure photograph |
-ere -iste |
denote operator or person occupied with | bakere baker |
konsiliste councillor |
klimere climber |
-iste | used for human beings, denotes adherents of a doctrine or those occupied in certain professions | ateiste atheist |
dentiste dentist |
sientiiste scientist |
-isme | denotes doctrine | ateisme atheism |
kapitalisme capitalism |
sosialisme socialism |
-iere | denotes a person or thing characterized by a certain object or considered as its bearer | pomiere apple tree |
kandeliere candle holder |
milionere millionnaire |
-arie | denotes recipient of an action, the person for whom something is destined | sendarie addressee |
pagarie payee |
mandatarie mandate holder |
-ilo | denotes the domain, province or country of someone | Anglia England |
folosofia philosophy |
printeria printing office |
-torie | denotes place where something is done | observatorie observatory |
dormitorie dormitory |
promenatorie promenade |
-aje | denotes something made of, consisting of, having the character of | lanaje woollen goods |
lignaje woodwork |
subtilaje (a) subtlety |
-ede | denotes quantity which fills something | kulierede spoonful |
manuede handful |
bokede mouthful |
-aro | denotes a collection, group, set of things or | homaro mankind |
vortaro vocabulary |
aristokrataro aristocracy |
-ide | denotes descendant | Atreide son of Atreus |
regide person of royal blood |
Napoleonide descendant of Napoleon |
-yune | denotes young one | bovyune calf |
hanyune chick |
katyune kitten |