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Appendix:Macushi words

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary


  • Copyright - Guy Marco - Dip. Graphics (E.R. Burrowes School of Art); BA -Art Education (University of Guyana); MA - Heritage Management Education (Newcastle University, UK)- (Katoka Village, East Central Rupununi, Guyana)

Note: A denotes A sound as in alphabet. When A stand by itself it is a pronoun (you / you all / I) form. When Ā is alone it is in a possessive form/s. It is complicated but it depends on the context they are used and that is the way Macushi is spoken. When Ā is embedded it's a noun. Macushi is generally a reversed language. Meaning the subject comes at the end of a sentence. Like in English when the subject is placed in the middle or towards the end of a sentence. In my office, I had my lunch.


A (A sound as in alphabet) -

A pn You (equivalent to Ū) / You all, you, I

A pîkî = You bathe; You take a bath (command) -

Maza, a pîkî = You bathe, please

Maza, apîkî say = Please bathe now (say = now)

Maza, A pîkî = You bathe, please.

A pî sîlîlî (sîrîrî) = I am bathing.

'A pî ta = You go and bathe; You go and take a bath (command)

A pî tî = You all bathe (command)

A pî tî say = You all bathe now.

A pî tan tî say = You all go and bathe now.

A pî tan tî = You all go and bathe; You all go and take a bath (command)

A pîng pî wai = I took a bath ( past tense when done in a few mins / hours ago).

A pî pî = I took a bath (past tense when done in couple of days / months years).

A pîng-pîna? = Did you bathe?

Enna (inna), a pîng-pî wai = Yes, I took a bath.

Kanay (kaane), a pî pla wai = No, I did not bathe.

Apei a tî kong = Are you all going to bathe?

Kanay (kaane), mazza anna apî = No, we will bathe later.

(Kî = verb - To do some thing)

A mî-yza-kî = You get up.

A mî-yza-kî say = You get up now.

Maza, amî-yza-kî mean-nay = Please, stand up son / grandson.

A sempo pî = He / she was born. His /her birthday

A pang kî = You speak

Maza, a pang kî = You speak please.

Mîlîlî (mîrîrî) pam-pay a kay mîkîlî = He / she does be like that

Mîlîlî (mîrîrî) yzeka mîkîlî = He / she is like that.

Mîlîlî (mîrîrî) pam-pay a kî = You be like that.

Mîkîlî pam-pay a kî = You be like him / her.

(uu) Ūlî pam-pay a kî = You be like me.

Ūlî pam-pay pla a kî = You do not be like me.

Ūlî pam-pay pla a tî = You all do not be like me.

Tou pam-pay pla a tî = You all do not be like them.

E pam-pay pla a kî = You do not be like him / her.

Mîlîlî (mîrîrî) pam-pay pla a kî = You do not be like that.

Mîkîlî pam-pay pla a kî = You do not be like him / her.

(E / Mîkîlî = him/her/it)


Ā (āā) n or possessive (when stand by itself) You / your / yours.

Ā away pî? = Would you bathe; Will you take a bath?

Yî pensa ä tî kong? = When you all will be going?.

Onong pata ä ti kong? = Where you all going?

Ā pî kong? = You all coming?

Ā pî kong say*? = Will you all coming then?

(*Say is used where to reconfirm a promise. Say = then)

Kanay (kana), anna epî hî kî sîlîlî = No, we are not going to come.

Kanay (kana), anna epî hî = No we are not coming

Enna (inna), anna epî = Yes, we are coming.

Enna (inna), anna epî kî ā sîlîlî (sîrîrî) = Yes, we will be coming/ Yes, we are going to come.

Ā pî? = Are you coming?

Enna (inna), ū ipî āyza-la-kîlî = Yes, I am coming with you.

Ānî = who

Ānî ā mîlîlî? Who are you? Ū lî Guy. I am Guy.

Ānî āyzea-say? (Who) What is your name?. Ū yeasay Guy.

Ānî peya isha / Ānî peya isha mîlîlî (mîrîrî)? = Who did you come to?

Ānî peya king* isha mîlîlî (mîrîrî)? = Who did you come to then?

(*king = then)

Ā way-mî sakapî = He got up / He arose.

Ā yzea-wî sayne? Is this your house?

Enna, Ū yea-wî mîlîlî. Yes, that is my house.

Ā nopî sayne? Is this your wife?

Kanay, Ū nopî hî mîlîlî. No, she is not my wife.

Body Parts: Ā= Your

Ā popai = Your head (same is used for hair on the head)

Ā yzem-ta = Your face

Ā yzea-nu = Your eye

Ā yzea-nu-kong =Your eyes

Ā pana = Your ear

Ā pana-kong = Your ears

Ā mota = Your shoulder

Ā mota-kong = Your shoulders

Ā yzeu-na =Your nose

Ā yzea = Your tooth

Ā yzea-kong = Your teeth

Ā mî = Your neck

Ā lopota = Your chest

Ā mantî = Your breast

Ā mantî-kong = Your breasts

Ā lota = Your belly

Ā pone = Your navel

Ā mbo = Your back

Ā pay-sen-way = Your waist

Ā yzen-yza = Your hand

Ā yzen-yza-kong = Your hands

Ā may-lay = Your penis

Ā pepu = Your vagina

Ā wet-ta = Your anus

Ā maiko = Your buttock

Ā she = Your foot

Ā she-kong = Your feet

Ā saymu = Your knee

Ā saymu-kong = Your knees

Ā pu = Your foot

Ā pu-kong = Your feet

Ā pu-pepî = Your tow nail

Ā pu-pepî-kong = Your toe nails

Ā yzen-yza pepî = Your finger nail

Ā yzen-yza pepî-kong = Your finger nails

Ā monta = Area between your legs

Ā walana = Your ankle

Ā pel-she = Your elbow

Ā pel-she-kong = Your elbows

Ā yzea-mu = Your testicle

Ā yzea-mu-kong = Your testicles

Ā she-moi = Your sexual organ hair

Ā mînî = Your blood

Ā weshkî = Your intestine

Ā weshkî-kong = Your intestines

Ā waay = Your faeces

Ā yzek-tu = Your spit

Non possessive āā sounds - prefixes

ĀCULE (ä-ku-le) n Rodent family

ĀCULE-YZAMÎ n (more than one)

ĀKKA! adj Expression to show danger / emergency

ĀKA (ā-ka) adj Bright (light)

ĀKA HÎ adj Not Bright / dark / dull

ĀKA-LAY (ā-ka-lay) adj Bright

(used in past tense - it was bright) - ĀKA-LAY wanî pî.

ĀKA-LAY PLA adj Not bright

Āk-KALAY (äk-ka-lay) n Allegator.

ĀKKALAY-YZAMÎ n (more than one)

ĀKETONG (ā-ke-tong) n An old man

(can be used as metaphor too)

ĀKETONG-KONG n (more than one) - Old men.

ĀKÎ (ä-kî) v To look

ĀKÎ SAY (implied) You see now

ĀKKO (āk-ko) n (Women's)Father in law /woman's mother brother (big /small) /woman's father's sister's husband/woman's mother's cousin (male).

ĀKKO-YZAMÎ / ĀKKO-PÎKONG n (more than one)

ĀKUSA n A sewing needle

ĀKUSA-KONG n (more than one) - Sewing needles.

ĀLAN-NAY(ä-lan-nay) n A frighten / fearful / scared / timid person / animal

ĀLAN-NAY MÎKÎLÎ - He / she / it is fearful / frighten timi person / animal

ĀLANNAY-KONG n More than one fearful persons / people / animals

ĀLAI (ä-lai) n Pirana

ĀLAI-YZAMÎ n (more than one)

ĀLANÎ PÎ adj Some thing that is burnt

ĀLANÎ PÎ TA n A place / location that is burnt (NB: TA is a shortened of PATA - place/land)

ARNAPUTA, a name of a village in the North Rupununi, Guyana,South America, derived from this word

ĀLAY (ā-lay) adj To express a nauthy behaviour of someone Or when in doubt of some thing

ĀLAY-YZA! adj To express a surprise of what someone did

ĀLAY HÎ adj Not naughty / clean

ĀLAAY! adj To express how dirty someone /some thing is/ a mess

ĀLAYKUNA (ä-lay-ku-na) n Älaykuna (One of the Aboriginal peoples of South America) man

ĀLAYKUNA-YZAMÎ n (more than one)

ĀLAYKUNA PA n Älaykuna girl/woman

ĀLAYKUNA PA-YZAMÎ n (more than one / both sexes)

ĀLAYWAY (ä-lay-way) n House Fly

ĀLAYWAY -YZAMÎ n (more than one)

ĀLÖ (ä-lö) n Hat /cap (see YALAKO)

ĀLÖ-KONG n (more than one)

ĀLOI (ā-loi) n Cashew with nuts ( Anacardium occidentale)

ĀLOI-KONG n (more than one)

ĀLAUNA (ā-lau-na) n Arawana (Osteoglossum bicirrhosum)

ĀLAUNA-YZAMÎ n More than one Arawana

ĀLAUTA (ä-lau-ta) n Baboon

ĀLAUTA TA n A place of baboons (A village in the Pakaraima Mountains / region, Guyana)


ĀLUWA (ä-lu-wa) n A dried excreated / extracted subsatnce from trees used to lite fire / light e.g. balata

ĀLUWA-KONG n (more than one piece)

    • Continuation of A sounds (A as in aplphabet)

ALU n (Women's) Sister in law / one's mother's brother daughter (cousin) / one's father's

sister daughter (cousin) / one's mother's cousin's (male) daughter (cousin) / one's father's cousin's (female) daughter (cousin)

ALU-YZAMÎ / ALU PÎ-KONG n (more than one)

AMA n Road / track / 'line' / lane.

AMA-KONG n Roads / tracks / 'lines' / lanes.

Ā YZEAMA or Ā YZEAMALE (YZEA-MA-LE) - Your road / track / 'line' /lane;

E TAYMA or E TAYMALE - His / her / its road / track / 'line' /lane;

TOU YZEAMA or TU YZEAMALE - Their road / track / 'line'/lane;

TOU YZEAMLE-KONG - Their roads;

Ū YEAMA or Ū YEAMALE - My road / track /'line' / lane

AMAI-NONG n The first / first one.

AMAI-NONGn Not first /not first one.

AMAI-NONG PUGLU n The very first one; fore front

AMAI-NONG-KONG n The first ones

AMAI-NONG KONG PUGLU n The very first ones.

  • More of āā sounds.

ĀMÎLE (ā-mî-le) n A family of a cat fish

ĀMÎLE-YZAMÎ n (more than one)

ĀMÎLÎ n You / (Ā MÎLÎ = you are)

Āmîlî hî = Not you

Āmîlî peya Ū'i sha sîlîlî = I have come to you now.

Āmîlî peya I sha mîlîlî - He / she /it has come to you.'

Āmîlî peya I sha - He/she/it has come you.

Āmîlî peya e'n pî mang - He / she / it coming to you.


ĀNAI (ä-nai) n Corn

ĀNAI-KONG n (more than one)

ĀN-NA-EE (ANNAI) (Name of a village in the North Rupununi, Guyana, South America, which derived from this word)

ĀN'NA (än-na) nouns. We / us / our / ours

Sayne uttî konayka pî anna yza = We built this house

Saye anna pata-say - This is our place/land

Ānna peya I sha mang - He/ she / it has come to us

ĀN'NAY (än-nay) n A greedy person

ĀN'NAY-KONG n Greedy persons/people

ĀNAY (ä-nay) adj Hot

ĀNAY HÎ adj Not hot

ĀNAY-KONG n Hot ones

ĀPENA n Wapishana / Wapichan (On of the Aboriginal Peoples of South America)

ĀPENA-YZAMÎ n Wapishanas / Wapichans

    • More of A sounds

APKALÎ (Ap-ka-lî) ' n Name of a village (Yupukari, North Rupununi, Guyana)

APKALÎ PONG' n' A person from Apkalî.

APKALÎ PONG-KONG n People from / 0f Apkalî.

Ā sounds -

ÄPO (ä-po) n Fire / fire wood

ÄPO-KONG n (more than one fire)

ĀSAY (ā-say) v To ask someone to come along/to go with you

ĀSAY - Let's go /come along /come on

ĀSAY NÎ-KONG - Let's all come / come along

ĀSHUU! (ā-shuu) adj/ To describe how small / ting some thing is. This is also used to describe a beautiful / wonderful thing


ĀSHTA (äsh-ta) v/n To eat a lot (metaphoric) / to have collic

ÄSHTA-YZA - One who / that has eaten a lot / one who / that has collic

ĀTA (ā-ta) adj / n A hole


ĀTTA (at-ta) n Hammock

Ū yea tay = My hammock; E tay-tay = His / her hammock; Tou yzea-tay = Their hammock

ĀTTA-KONG n Hammocks

Tou yzea-tay-kong = Their hammocks

A sounds -

ATÎ (A as in Alphabet) n Tooth ache

Atî pî mang = He / she is having a tooth ache

Ā sounds

ĀTOKA n Cotton (singular) (See TOKA - same meaning but it's shortened to fit the right context/usage)

e.g Ū TOKALE = My cotton; E TOAKLE = His / her cotton; E TOKALE-KONG = His / her cottons

ÄTONG n Cold

Ätong pî wai = I have a cold

ĀTU(ā-tu) n (women) Big sister /cousin (mother's sister's /mother's cousin's (female) daughter) /father's

brother's / cousin's (male) daughter)

ĀTU PÎ-KONG n (more than one)

ĀWAY (ä-way) adj Soft

'ĀWAY HÎ' adj Not soft / hard

ĀWAY-KONG - Soft ones

ĀYZEMLAKA (ā-yzem-la-ka) n Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)


ĀYZAMKA (ā-yzam-ka) n Salepenta

ĀYZAMKA-YZAMÎ n Salepentas


BAT n Bat (Cricket bat / circle / table / lawn tennis racquet)-From English

BAT-KONG n Bats / racquet

BATLE n Bat / racquet

Ā BATLE - Your bat / racquet; Ā BATLE-KONG - Your bats / racquets; E BATLE - His / her bat / racquet; E BATLE-KONG - His / her bats / racquets; TOU BATLE - Their bat / racquet; TOU BATLE-KONG -Their bats / racquets; Ū BATLE - My bat / racquet; Ū BATLE-KONG - My bats / racquets

BATRY n Battery

BATRY-KONG - n Battries

BING! An expression / sound to show how something hit someone or thing (e.g. an arrow / bullet)

BUNUNI n Creek which flows into Rupununi river, North Rupununi, Guyana, South America

BUS n Bus (from English)


Ā busle = Your bus; Ā busle-kong = Your buses; E busle = His / her bus; E busle-kong = His / her buses; Tou busle = Their bus; Tou busle-kong = Their buses; Ū busle; My bus; Ū busle-kong = My buses


CALA n Hair Oil

CALA-KONG n Hair Oils

CANONG n Guava


CANAWA n Canoe / boat

Ū CANWALE - My canoe / boat, E CANAWALE - His / her canoe / boat, TOU CANAULE - Thier canoe / boat

CANAWA-KONG n Canoes / boats

Ū CANAWALE-KONG - My canoes / boats, E CANAWALE-KONG - His / her canoes / boats, TOU CANAULE-KONG - Their canoes / boats

CAR n Car


Ā CARLE - Your car; Ā CARLE-KONG - your cars; E CARLE - His / her car; E carle-kong - His / her cars; TOU CARLE - Their car; TOU CARLE-KONG - Their cars; Ū CARLE - My car; Ū CARLE-KONG - My cars


CASAPANG-KONG n Sand banks

COUNTLE n An account / credit / advance (from English)

Ā COUNTLE - Your account, E COUNTLE - His / her account, TOU COUNTLE - Their account, Ū COUNTLE - My account

CUCUAI n Eagle


CUIMA v Sweep

CUIMA KÎ v To sweep

E CUIMA KÎ - You sweep it / sweep the place; E CUIMA PEYA - He / she / swept it / the place; E CUIMA PÎ TOU YZA - They swept it / the place; E CUIMA PUI YA - I swept it / the place

CUINA n Rubber (bicycle / car tube)

CUINTÎLÎ n Sling shot made of bicycle tube

Ū CUINTÎLÎ - My sling shot

CULUTU n 'Tiger' Fish

CULUTU-YZAMÎ n (more than one)

CULUNG n Volture


CUMMAD n A godmother

CUMMADTǏLE(cum-mad-tÎ-le) n A godmother of someone's child

Ū CUMMADTÎLE - My child godmother

CUMPAD n A godfather

CUMPADTǏLE(cum-pad-tÎ-le) n A godfather of someone's child

Ū CUMPADTÎLE - My child godfather

CUNANI n A poisonous plant used to poison fish

CUNG n Loo (an edible palm fruit)

CUNG-KONG n (more than one

CUNG YZEA n Loo tree

CUNG YZEA-KONG n Loo trees

CUPPO (Cup-po) n Cup (derived from cup)


Ā CUPPOLE - Your cup; Ā CUPPOLE-KONG - Your cups; E CUPPOLE - His / her cup; E CUPPOLE-KONG - His / her cups; TOU CUPPO - Their cup; TOU CUPPOLE-KONG - Their cups; Ū CUPPOLE - My cup; Ū CUPPOLE-KONG - My cups

CUPÎ n Pond


CUSANG adj Long / tall

CUSANG HÎ adj Not long / tall

CUSANG PUKLU adj Very long / tall

CUSANG PUKLU HÎ adj Not very long / tall

CUSANG-KONG adj Tall ones

CUSH-CUSH v A sound to call pigs

CUSHU n Bald (head)

CUSHU-YZAMÎ n Bald heads



E n / pos His / her / its / it

E popai - His / her head / hair

E MOKA KǏ - Take it out

EKEAI n Cassava bread (manioc)

KAY-NANG EKEAI - Soft freshly made cassava bread

'EKEAI PEYAPǏ' - Piece of cassava bread

EMPASING n Youth / young adult / one who is newly in a relationship

EMPASING-KONG n Youth / young adults / ones (male and female) who are newly having a relationship

EMU n Starch

ENTONG n Relative (male)- between an uncle (father's brother) and a nephew (brother's son). The both address each other "ENTONG" when they meet / reach each other

ENTÎMASHI (en-tÎ-ma-shi) n (same as ENTONG)

EPAI adj Deep (water)

ESHA v To come

PAPÄ ESHA - (My / Our) Father come

PAPÄ ESHA MANG - (My / Our) Father has come

ESH-SHAA! v A sound / command for dog/s to move / move away / to get lost

ESH-SHOO! v A sound / command for chicken/s to move / move away / to get lost

EWÎTÎ (e-wî-tî) n Creek


'EWÎTÎ KA Ū TÎ SÎLÎLÎ' - I am going to the creek

EWÎTÎ KA ĀSAY - Let's go to the creek

EWO n Worm (found in cut palm tree)

EWO-YZAMÎ n (more than one)





I p/n He / she / it / you

I'SHA MANG = He / she / it has come

I'SHA NÎ PÎ = He / she / it had come

I PÎPÎ = You came



KA n Sky / Heaven

KAA adj A cautionary expression /emergency / expression to show danger (Shorten of ĀKAA)

KAKA n A run / simi-marathon

KAIKANG n An animal


KULATU n Caiman


KULATU CUPÎ n Caiman Pond (found in Yupukari/Katoka, North Rupununi, Guyana, South America)


Lola (adj) Green

Lolaimî (n) The green forest Mountain at the borders of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. 'Father' of the green Mountains.

Lui (n) big brother.

Ū lui mîkîlî Levi = My big brother is Levi.

Lui-kong (pl) big brothers

Ū lui-kong enkolo Levi molopai Sydney = My big brothers are Levi and Sydney.

Lumma (n) Large metal Circular pan to bake cassava bread or parch farine or tapioca.

Lumma-kong (pl)

Luku (n) 'jenny pap'(edible whild fruit found in the Rupununi, Guyana)

Luku-kong (pl)

Luku yzea (n) Luku tree.

Luku yea-kong (pl) Luku trees.

Lutu (n) woven back pack (panaku). This term is also used to refer to a load in the Lutu.

Ū lutu sayne. This is my backpack (sayne = this).

Ū lutu sayne. This is my load.

Lutu-kong (pl) Packpacks / loads.

Sayne ā lutu-kong? = Are these your packpacks / loads? (sayne = these)

Muney ā lutu-kong? = Are those your packacks / loads? (sayne = those)

Luwai (n) A grave

Luwai-kong (pl) Graves

Lupay (n) arrow (when used wth adjective possessive Ū = my)

Ū lupay = My arrow.

Ū lupay-kong = My arrows.


Mabyza (n) Papaya

Mabyza-kong (pl) Papayas

Mai (n) Voice; Language; gossip

Mai-kong (n) Voices; gossips

Maimu (n) A Language

Maimu-kong (pl) Languages

Maiwa (n) A black duck

Maiwa-yzamî (pl) Black ducks

Mamā (n) Mother

Mama pîkong (pl) Mothers Mananungtō (n) A Dance; a Festival; A celebration

Mananungtō pî āsay = Come, let's go a dance.

Mana (n) Bamboo family used for weaing (muckru)

Mana-kong (pl)

Manaa (n) Breast; breast milk

Manale (n) A woven sifter

Manale-kong (pl) Sifters

Manung (v) To dance

Mansa (v) dancing

E mansa nǐpǐ = He/she/it danced.

E amnsa-mang = He/she/it is dancing.

Ū manung-sîlîlî = I am dancing.

Ā manungkî say = You dance now.

Manungtî say ū yungpa-yzamî = Dance now my relative / people.

Manungkay (n) A Dancer

Manungkay-kong (pl) Dancers

Mangawale (n) Grey Heron

Mangawale-yzamî (pl) Grey Herons

Manglo (n) Mango

Manglo-kong (pl) mangoes.

Mailay (n) An edible hard-shelled powdery fruit (lucas/stink toe)

Mailay-kong (pl)

Mailay yzea (n) Mailay tree.

Mailay yzea-kong (pl) Mailay trees.

Maipa (n) Whitey (soft edible white fruit)

Maipale (n) A creek - main source of the Rupununi river, Guyana, known as 'Mapari'.

Maipai-mîta (n) Place of whitey, Nappi / Parishara location, Rupununi, Guyana.

Malaswata (n) Place of Malas ??

Maylay (n) Penis.

Maylay-kong (pl) Penises.

Manong (n) small sister; granddaughter; (adj) pretty; beautiful

Manong hî (adj) Not beautiful

Mantî (n) Breast

Mantî-kong (pl) Breasts

Masalwa (n) A cockroach. (The name of the village Massara derived from Masalwa)

Masalwa-yzamî (pl) Cockroaches

Matîu (n) A candle beatle that light at its rear in the night

Matîu-yzamî (pl) Candle beatles

Mayu (n) self help; working together

Mayupay (n) people working together.

Maykolo (n) Negro

Maykolo-yzamî (pl) Negroes

Mayluntî (adj) A strong person or thing (see Luntî = strength)

Masa (n) A mosquito (Savannah mosquitoes)

Masa-yzamî (pl) Mosquitoes

Mayzea (n) A thief

Mayzea-kong (pl) Thieves

Maza (prep) Please

Meya (n) Finger

Meya-kong (pl) Fingers

(n) Farm

Mî-kong (pl) Farms

Mîpang (n) A show off person

Mîpang-kong (pl) Show off people

Mîkîlî (n) He/she/iy

Mogo (n) Grandfather

Mogo pîkong (pl) Grandfathers

Molo (pre) There

Molo pla = Not There

Molō (n) A fish

Molo-yzamî (pl) Fishes

Molopai (prep) And / from there

'Mongkong (n) A person (Shortened of Paymongkong)

'Mongkong-yzamî (pl) People

Monta (n) Between legs / gully

Mota (n) A shoulder

Mota-kong (pl) Shoulders








Ū (uu) = I / My / Me / Our

Ū tî-sîlîlî school ta = I am going to school. (Tî (v) - To go; Sîlîlî = Now; Tî+sîlîlî = going; ta - to)

Ū tî-sîlîlî hî school ta = I am not going to school. (Tî - Not)

Ū'i pî-sîlîlî = I am coming.

Ū'i pî pay pla wai = I would not be coming.

Ū'i pî kî sîlîlî = I will be coming.

Ū lupay saney = This is my arrow. (Pîlîu = Arrow (n); Lupay (when used with possessive)

Ū lupay hî saney = This is not my arrow.

Ū walapailî sayne = This is my bow.(walapai = Bow)

Ū yea wî mîlîlî = That is my house.

Ū lî = I am

Ū lî Guy = I am Guy.

Ū yea say Guy = My name is Guy.

Ūlî = Me

Ūlî peya enpî na? = Did you come to me? (when Ū lî is separated it mean I am; when it's together it mean Me)

Ūlî peya i shaw-mang = He/she/it came to me.

Ūlî peya e'l pangsa-mang = He/she/it has arrived at me.

However Ū is also used to mean me - interchangably used by the traditional speakers. But writing they should be standardized.

Ū peya enpî na? = Did you come to me?

Nouns Ūs

Ū tî = I will go

Ū tî-sîlîlî = I am going

Ūttî (n) House

Ūttî-kong (pl) Houses

(Unlike english, nouns change when possessive adjective is added) eg

Ū yea sayne = This is my house. (From Ūtî to Wî ).

Maza, ū yea ta shekî = Please, come to my house.

Ūwe (n) Fraine (by product of Cassava/ Yuka)

Ūuwe (n) Big brother

Ūuwe pîkong (pl) Big Brothers



(n) Feases

Wa yzeta (n) Feases hole

Wai (n) Goblet

Wai-kong (pl) Goblets

Wayu (n) Torch

Wayu-kong (pl) Torches

Wailā (n) Penis

Waila (N) A Tapair

Waila-yzamî (pl) Tapairs

Walîu (n) Torch

Walîu-kong (pl) Torches

Walana (n) Heel

Wana (n) Grass

Wana-kong (pl) Grasses

Wîlana (n) Labba

Wîlana-yzamî (pl) Labbas

Wanî (n) A mother in Law

Wanî-pîkong = Mothers in law

Waiking (n) A savannah deer

Waiking-yzamî (pl) Savannah deer

Wainî lîpî (n)

Wainîpî wai = I am sweating

Walung (adj) Dark

Walung hî (adj) Not dark

Weei (n) Sun

Wîi (n) A camodi; anaconda

Wîi-yzamî (pl) camodis; anacondas

Wo (n) Brew made of cassava

Wokala(n) A jungle bird

Wokal-yzamî (pl)

Wontai (n) A secondary savannah

Wontai-kong (pl) Seondary Savannahs

Woi (n)



Yung (n) A Father

Ū yung = My father

Yung-kong-yzamî(pl) Fathers

Tou yung-kong = Their father

Yungpa (n) A relatives

Ū yungpa = My relative

Yungpa-yzamî (pl) Relatives

Ū yungpa-yzamî = my relaties / people



Pa-nan-nay anna tî / Anna wîtî pa-nan-nay = We will go tomorrow / We are going tomorrow.


Ū LÎ Angie (I am Angie)



or TA-SHEM-SA SÎLÎLÎ I SHA-KONG PÎ -SEN-WAI (I am happy that you have come to learn)

MOLÎ PATA SALVADOR MOLO-PAI MONG-KONG-YZAMÎ NÎLÎ MOLÎ-KONG (SALVADOR is a beautiful place and so are the peopel)

MOLÎ PAY NAI = Thank you (This is really equivalent that I co-incidently received today from Anil Roberts' mother - Annai)