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bo (rafsi bor)

  1. Closest scope grouping operator; groups surrounding words within compound words (tanru); that is, it strengthens the association between immediately neighboring words.
    le xunre kerfa bo smani
    the haired monkey who is red
    compare to:
    le xunre kerfa smani
    the monkey who has red hair
  2. Can be used as terminator to end a string of time tense indicating cmavo (at the beginning of a sentence).
    .ibazabo la lojban. cu pu co'a zmadu la loglan. leka vajni [1]
    After some time, Lojban began to exceed Loglan in terms of importance.

Usage notes

  • Consecutive uses of bo cause their neighboring brivla (in a tanru) to behave right-associatively.[1]
  • An equivalent construction can be achieved using a surrounding/circumfix ke ... ke'e pair (replacing the infix bo).

