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Appendix:Hunsrik pronunciation

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary

The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Hunsrik pronunciations in Wiktionary entries.


Consonants Initial Final Intervocalic
B [p] [p] [p]⁵
C [k]¹, [s]² - [k]¹, [s]²
CH [ʃ] [x]³, [ç]⁴, [k]⁵ [x]³, [ç]⁴
CK - [k] [k̬]
D [t] [t] [ɾ]~[t̬]
F [f] [f] [f̬]
G [k] [k] [k]⁶
GH - [x]³, [ç]⁴, [k]⁵ [x]³, [ç]⁴
H [h] [ː] [ː]
J [j] - [j], [ʃ]⁶
K [kʰ], [k]⁷ [k] [k̬]
L [l] [l] [l]
M [m] [m] [m]
N [n] [n], [ŋ]⁸ [n]
NG - [ŋ] [ŋ]
P [pʰ], [p]⁷ [p] [p]
QU [kʷ]~[kv] - [kʷ]~[kv]
S [s], [ʃ]⁷ [s] [s̬]
SCH [ʃ] [ʃ] [ʃ]
SK [ʃk]~[sk] [ʃk]~[sk] [ʃk]~[sk]
SP [ʃp] [ʃp] [ʃp]
ST [ʃt] [ʃt]~[st] [ʃt]~[st]
T [tʰ], [t]⁷ [t] [t̬]
TZ - [͡ts] [͡t̬s̬]
V [v] [f] [v]
W [v] - [v]
X - [ks] [k̬s̬]
Z [͡ts] [͡ts] [͡t̬s̬]

ª Even if it is preceded by a prefix. For example, a D is initial in both diene and ferdiene.

¹ Before consonants, A, O, U

² Before E, I

³ After A, O, U

⁴ After E, I

⁵ Before S in a few words

⁶ In some terms recently borrowed from Portuguese

⁷ When followed by another consonant

⁸ Before G or K

Letter R

Letter R
Case IPA
Initialª and Intervocalic [ɾ]
Before coronals

(D, L, N, R, S, SCH, SP, ST, T, TZ, Z)

Before other consonants [ɾ]
Final after E or O tonics [ɐ]
Final after A tonic mute
Final after unstressed E [ɐ]


Vowels Final or before single consonantª Before double consonant⁵ Before E unstressed Added to Final R Added to R before consonant
A [aː] [a] - [aːr] [a]², [ar]³
AA [ɔː]~[aː] [ɔː]~[aː] [ɔː]~[aː] [ɔː]~[aː] [ɔː]~[aː]², [ɔːr]~[aːr]³
Ä [ɛː] [ɛ] [ɛɪ̯]~[ɛː] [ɛː]~[ɛɐ] [ɛ]~[ɛɐ]², [ɛr]³
ÄÄ [ɛː] [ɛː] [ɛɪ̯]~[ɛː] [ɛː]~[ɛɐ] [ɛː]~[ɛːɐ]², [ɛːr]³
AI [aɪ̯] [aɪ̯] [aɪ̯] - -
AU [aʊ̯] [aʊ̯] [aʊ̯] - -
E [eː], [ə]¹ [eː], [ə]¹ [eɪ̯]~[eː] [ɛɪ̯ɐ]~[ɛɐ], [ɐ]¹ [ɛ]~[ɛɐ]², [ɛr]³, [ɐ]¹
Ë⁴ [e] [e] [e] [er] [er]
EE [eː] [eː] [eɪ̯]~[eː] [eja]~[eːɐ] [eja]~[eːɐ]
ËE⁴ [eːə] [eːə] - - -
EI [aɪ̯] [aɪ̯] [aɪ̯] - -
EU [ɔɪ̯] [ɔɪ̯] [ɔɪ̯] - -
ËU⁴ [eʊ̯] [eʊ̯] [eʊ̯] - -
I [iː] [i] [iː] - [ir]
IE [iː] [iː] [iː] [iːɐ] [iːɐ]
ÏE⁴ [iːə] [iːə] - - -
O [oː] [o] [oʊ̯]~[oː] [ɔʊ̯ɐ]~[ɔɐ] [ɔ]~[ɔɐ]², [ɔr]³
OO [oː] [o] [oʊ̯]~[oː] - -
U [u] [uː] [uː] [uːr] [ur]
UU [uː] [uː] [uː] - -

NOTE: any sequence Vowel+H corresponds phonetically to that vowel written twice. E.g.: EH = EE

ª simple consonant corresponds to any single consonant in writing and to the sequence GH (=CH "simple")

¹ when unstressed

² before a coronal consonant (D,L,N,R,S,SCH,T,Z)

³ before other consonants

⁴ the umlaut over the letters E and I only has the function of indicating the pronunciation more precisely and can be ignored. Ë is used to indicate that an unstressed E should be pronounced as /e/ and not as /ə/, as well as breaking digraphs, indicating that the two letters should be pronounced separately. pronounced separately. Ï is only used before an E, making it clear that in this case the two vowels should be pronounced separately and not as an /iː/.

⁵ double consonant corresponds to any combination of more than one consonant in writing and to the consonant W (=V "double")

See also
