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Appendix:Hebrew numbers

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Whole numbers


Number words


Numeral notation


Hindu-Arabic numerals


For most purposes, modern Hebrew texts use exactly the same numeral notation as English ones: the Hindu-Arabic system, with the digits 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, and with the most significant digit being on the left:

איך מגיעים לכביש 17?'eikh magi'ím likh'vísh 17?How do you get to Highway 17?
יש 12,345 תלמידים.yesh 12,345 talmidím.There are 12,345 students.

As in English, such numbers are normally read out as words, with long strings of digits (such as phone numbers) being read out one digit at a time.

Hebrew numerals


But for a number of purposes, as well as in older texts, a system based on the Hebrew alphabet is used, with each letter being assigned a numeric value:

Ones Tens Hundreds
1 א 10 י 100 ק
2 ב 20 כ 200 ר
3 ג 30 ל 300 ש
4 ד 40 מ 400 ת
5 ה 50 נ 500 תק
6 ו 60 ס 600 תר
7 ז 70 ע 700 תש
8 ח 80 פ 800 תת
9 ט 90 צ 900 תתק

For numbers under one thousand, numbers are expressed using a combination of these letters, in order from highest to lowest; for example, 123 = 100 + 20 + 3 = ק ‎ ﬩ כ ‎ ﬩ ג is written as קכ״ג. There is a special case in order to avoid writing anything similar to a divine name: in numbers ending in 15 and 16, these digits are represented as ט״ו ‎(9+6) and ט״ז ‎(9+7), respectively. Gersháyim are often added between the last two letters if there is more than one letter, or when there is only one letter, a géresh is often placed after it. This is usually done to clarify that it is not a word, and so when the context is clear they are often omitted.

This system is frequently used in giving the day of the week; for example, news articles frequently include phrases such as הבוקר (א׳), meaning “this morning (Sunday)”.

Such numbers are read in a number of different ways, depending on the context; they are sometimes read out letter-by-letter, sometimes as ordinal numbers, sometimes as words (for example, ל״ג may be pronounced lag), and sometimes as cardinal numbers.

Table of numerals

Number Numeral Cardinal Ordinal
0 אפס (éfes)
1 א׳ אחד (ekhád) ראשון (rishón)
2 ב׳ שניים (sh'náyim) שני (shení)
3 ג׳ שלושה (sh'loshá) שלישי (sh'lishí)
4 ד׳ ארבעה (arba'á) רביעי (r'vi'í)
5 ה׳ חמישה (khamishá) חמישי (khamishí)
6 ו׳ שישה (shishá) שישי (shishí)
7 ז׳ שבעה (shiv'á) שביעי (sh'vi'í)
8 ח׳ שמונה (sh'moná) שמיני (sh'miní)
9 ט׳ תשעה (tish'á) תשיעי (t'shi'í)
10 י׳ עשרה (asará) עשירי (asirí)
11 אחד עשר (akhád asár)
12 שנים עשר (sh'ném asár)
13 שלושה עשר (sh'loshá asár)
14 ארבעה עשר (arba'á asár)
15 חמישה עשר (khamishá asár)
16 שישה עשר (shishá asár)
17 שבעה עשר (shiv'á asár)
18 שמונה עשר (sh'moná asár)
19 תשעה עשר (tish'á asár)
20 כ׳ עשרים (esrím)
30 ל׳ שלושים (sh'loshím)
40 מ׳ ארבעים (arba'ím)
50 נ׳ חמישים (khamishím)
60 ס׳ שישים (shishím)
70 ע׳ שבעים (shiv'ím)
80 פ׳ שמונים (sh'moním)
90 צ׳ תשעים (tish'ím)
100 ק׳ מאה (me'á) מאי (me'í)
200 ר׳ מאתיים (matáyim)
300 ש׳ שלוש מאות (shlosh me'ót)
400 ת׳ ארבע מאות (arbá me'ót)
500 ת״ק‎ חמש מאות (khamésh me'ót)
600 ת״ר‎ שש מאות (shesh me'ót)
700 ת״ש‎ שבע מאות (shéva me'ót)
800 ת״ת שמונה מאות (sh'moná me'ót)
900 תת״ק תשע מאות (tésha me'ót)
1,000 אלף (élef)
1,000,000 (106) מיליון (milyón)
1,000,000,000 (109) מיליארד (milyárd)