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Appendix:Egyptian transliteration schemes

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The following table provides a comparative overview of the schemes employed by various major scholars or works to transcribe/transliterate Egyptian from its decipherment in the 19th to the present day. Highlighted rows indicate schemes that gained widespread use in their time; the last also indicates the system adopted by Wiktionary.

Author 𓄿 𓇋 𓏭 𓇌 𓂝 𓅱 𓃀 𓊪 𓆑 𓅓 𓈖 𓂋 𓉔 𓎛 𓐍 𓄡 𓊃 𓋴 𓈙 𓈎 𓎡 𓎼 𓏏 𓍿 𓂧 𓆓
Champollion 1822 α α, ο, ε ι η, ι α, η, ι ο, ω β π, φ μ ν ρ σ σ κ κ, γ κ τ, δ τ, δ
Lepsius 1837 ⲁ, ⲟ, ⲉ ⲁ, ⲟ, ⲉ ⲁⲓ, ⲉⲓ, ⲓ ⲁⲓ, ⲉⲓ, ⲓ ⲁ, ⲟ, ⲉ ⲟ, ⲟⲩ ϥ ⲣ, ⲗ ϩ ϩ ϧ ϣ
Bunsen 1845 a, a̔ a i i a, ā u b p f m n r, l h h χ, ch χ, ch s s χ, sch k k k t t t t
Lepsius 1854 a i u b p f m n l h χ s š k t
Birch 1857 aa au iu iu aa ui bu pu fi ma n ru ha hu khi kha su st shi qa ka k tu tu ti gi
Devéria 1857 a ă i, y i, y ā u b p f m n r h h h’ h’ s s s’ k k’ t t t t’
Devéria 1858 e a i, ï i, ï a’, a ou b p f m n r h h χ χ s s ch k q q t t t dj
Chabas 1860 a a ai, i ai, i a o, u, ou b, w p f, w m n r h h h’, s’ h’ s s s’ k k k t t t t’
Lepsius 1863 a a, ȧ i i, ī, ē a, ā u b, ḅ p, p̣ f m, ṃ n r, l h h, ḥ χ, χ̣ χ s s š, ṣ̌ k k, ḳ k, ḳ, χ, χ̣ t t t, ṭ t, ṭ
Brugsch 1867, 1872 a ȧ i ī ā u b p f m n r h χ χ s s š k k t t t’
De Rougé 1867 a i i ā u b p f m n r h χ χ s s š k k t t t’
Devéria 1868 à a῾, á ï ï â û b p w m n r h h῾ x῾ x῾ s s s῾ q k g t t῾ d z῾
Maspero 1873 ā a i ï â û b p w m n r, l h h῾ χ χ s s s῾ q k g t t d z
Lepsius 1874 a ȧ i ī ā u b p f m n r h χ χ s s š q k t θ t′
Renouf 1875 a ȧ i i ā u b p f m n r h χ χ s s ś q k t θ t’
Birch 1877 a ȧ i ī ā u b p f m n r h χ χ s s ś q k t θ t’
Rossi 1877 a ȧ i i ā u b p f m n r h χ χ s s š k k t t
Brugsch 1880 a ȧ i ī, y ā u, ō b, v p f m n r h χ χ s s š, χ k, q k k, g t θ t’
Loret 1889 a à i i â ou b p f m n r h h kh kh s s sh q k g t t d dj
Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache 1889; Erman 1894 ı͗ ï y w b p f m n r h s s š k g t d
Brugsch 1889 (‘Semitic-Egyptian’) ʾ i, j w, u b p f m n r, l h s s š k g t d
Brugsch 1889 (‘Egyptian-hieroglyphic’) ʾ ʾʾ w b p f m n r, l h s s š k g t d
Steindorff 1892 ı͗ ı͗ ı͗ı͗ w b p f m n r h s ś š k g t d
Beni Hassan II 1893 a ȧ i y u b p f m n r h h k͟h c͟h s ś sh q k t t͟h t z
Erman 1896 ꜣ, ʾ j, i̯ w, u̯ b p f m n r h s ś š k g t d
Budge 1898, 1910 a ȧ i i ā u b p f m n r, l h χ, kh χ, kh s s ś, sh q k t θ, th t’, tch
Griffith 1898 (vocalic) a ȧ i y u b p f m n r h k͟h c͟h s ś s͟h q k g t t͟h d z
Griffith 1898 (consonantal) ʾ y i y w b p f m n r h s ś š q k g t d z
Petrie 1899 a, a̓ a i y a, ā u b p f m n r h h kh kh s s sh q k g t th d z
Erman 1911 ı͗, y y y w b p f m n r h s ś š k g t d
Budge 1920 a ȧ i i ā u b p f m n r h kh kha s s sh q k g t th tch
Erman & Grapow 1926 ı͗, j j j w b p f m n r h s ś š k g t d
Gardiner 1927 ı͗ y y w b p f m n r h s s š k g t d
Edel 1955, 1964 j j jj, j w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Ward 1968 ı͗ y y w b p f m n r h s s š q k g t č d ǰ
Rössler 1971 ː ı͗ ı͗ y w b p f m n r h ġ s ś š k g t č č̣
Buurman et al. 1988
(encoding hieroglyphs)
A i y i*i a w b p f m n r h H x X z s S q k g t T d D
Buurman et al. 1988
A i y y a w b p f m n r h H x X z s S q k g t T d D
Vernus 1988 j j y Ɛ w b p f m n r h ç z s š q k g t č d ǧ
Hodge 1990 ʔ y y w b p f m n r h x z s š q k g t č d ǧ
Schenkel 1990 ı͗ ı͗ y w b p f m n r h s ś š k g t č č̣
Loprieno 1995 ɜ j j j, y w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Hannig 1995, Allen 2000 j j y w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Hoch 1997 ı͗ y y w b p f m n r h s s š q k g t d
Depuydt 1999 3 j y jj w b p f m n r h s s š q k g t d
Loprieno 2001 ʀ j j y ʕ w b p f m n r h ħ x ç θ s ʃ q k t c
Schneider 2003 ɹ ı͗ ı͗ y ɗ w b p f m n l h s ś š k g t c
Rabinovich 2004 a j y y a2 w b p f m n r h h2 h3 h4 s s s2 q k g t t2 d d2
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae 2004
A j j y a w b p f m n r h H x X z s S q k g t T d D
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae 2004
A i j a w b p f m n r h H x X s s S q k g t T D
Takács 2008 3 j j j ˁ w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Di Biase-Dyson et al. 2009 j ï y w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Werning 2013 (‘Traditional’), 2015 j ï y w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Werning 2013 (‘Advanced’) j ï y w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t č č̣
Haspelmath 2015 j j jj ʕ w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae 2022
j j y w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae 2022
ı͗ j w b p f m n r h s s š q k g t
Leiden Unified Transliteration 2023 ı͗ ï y w b p f m n r h z s š q k g t d

Chronological list of sources

  • Champollion, Jean-François. 1822. Lettre à M. Dacier.
  • Lepsius, C. R. 1837. Letter to Rosellini.
  • Bunsen, Christian. 1845. Ägyptens Stelle in der Weltgeschichte.
  • Lepsius, C. R. 1854. Das allgemeine linguistische Alphabet: Grundsätze der Übertragung fremder Schriftsysteme und bisher noch ungeschriebener Sprachen in europäische Buchstaben.
  • Birch, Samuel. 1857. An Introduction to the Study of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
  • Devéria, Théodule. 1857. Notice sur les antiquités égyptiennes du musée de Lyon.
  • Devéria, Théodule. 1858. Spécimen de l’interprétation des écritures de l'ancienne Égypte.
  • Chabas, François Joseph. 1860. Le papyrus magique Harris.
  • Lepsius, C. R. 1863. Standard Alphabet for Reducing Unwritten Languages and Foreign Graphic Systems to a Uniform Orthography in European Letters, 2nd rev. edn.
  • Brugsch, Heinrich. 1867. Hieroglyphisch-demotisches Wörterbuch, vol. 1.
  • De Rougé, Emmanuel. 1867. Chrestomathie égyptienne, ou Choix de textes égyptiens transcrits, traduits et accompagnés d’un commentaire perpétuel et précédés d’un abrégé grammatical.
  • Devéria, Théodule. 1868. Le papyrus judiciaire de Turin et les papyrus Lee et Rollin.
  • Brugsch, Heinrich. 1872. Hieroglyphische Grammatik.
  • Maspero, Gaston. 1873. in Mélanges d’archéologie égyptienne et assyrienne, vol. 1.
  • Lepsius, C. R. 1874. Second International Congress of Orientalists, London.
  • Renouf, Peter Le Page. 1875. An Elementary Grammar of the Ancient Egyptian Language in the Hieroglyphic Type.
  • Birch, Samuel. 1877. Egyptian Texts.
  • Rossi, Francesco. 1877. Grammatica copto-geroglifica, con un’ appendice dei principali segni sillabici e del loro significato, illustrati da esempi.
  • Brugsch, Heinrich. 1880. Hieroglyphisch-demotisches Wörterbuch, vol. 5.
  • Loret, Victor. 1889. Manuel de la langue égyptienne: grammaire, tableau des hieroglyphes, textes & glossaire.
  • Brugsch, Heinrich. 1889. Die Aegyptologie: ein Grundriss der aegyptischen Wissenschaft.
  • Steindorff, Georg. 1892. Das altägyptische Alphabet und seine Umschreibung.
  • Egypt Exploration Fund, ed. Newberry, Percy E. 1893. Beni Hassan, vol. II.
  • Erman, Adolf, trans. Breasted, James Henry. 1894. Egyptian Grammar, with Table of Signs, Bibliography, Exercises for Reading and Glossary.
  • Erman, Adolf. 1896. “Die Umschreibung des Ägyptischen” in Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, Volumes 34-36.
  • Budge, E. A. Wallis. 1898. The Book of the Dead.
  • Griffith, Francis Llewelyn. 1898. A Collection of Hieroglyphs.
  • Petrie, W. M. Flinders. 1899. A History Of Egypt.
  • Budge, E. A. Wallis. 1910. Egyptian Language: Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
  • Erman, Adolf. 1911. Ägyptische Grammatik.
  • Budge, E. A. Wallis. 1920. An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary.
  • Erman, Adolf; Grapow, Hermann. 1926–1961. Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache.
  • Gardiner, Alan. 1927. Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs, First Edition.
  • Edel, Elmar. 1955. Altägyptische Grammatik.
  • Ward, William A. Notes on Some Egypto-Semitic Roots.
  • Rössler, Otto. 1977. “Das Ägyptische als semitische Sprache” in Christentum am roten Meer, vol. 1.
  • Buurman, Jan; Nicolas Grimal; Jochen Hallof; Michael Hainsworth; Dirk van der Plas. 1988. Inventaire des signes hieroglyphiques en vue de leur saisie informatique.
  • Vernus, Pascal. 1988. “L’égypto-copte” in Cohen, David. Les langues chamito-sémitiques.
  • Hodge, Carleton Taylor. 1990. “The Role of Egyptian Within Afroasiatic” in ed. Baldi, Philip. Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology.
  • Schenkel, Wolfgang. 1990. Einführung in die altägyptische Sprachwissenschaft.
  • Loprieno, Antonio. 1995. Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction.
  • Hannig, Rainer. 1995. Großes Handwörterbuch Ägyptisch-Deutsch.
  • Hoch, James E. 1997. Middle Egyptian Grammar.
  • Depuydt, Leo. 2012. Fundamentals of Egyptian Grammar I: Elements.
  • Allen, James P. 2000. Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, First Edition.
  • Loprieno, Antonio. 2001. “From Ancient Egyptian to Coptic” in Haspelmath, Martin et al. (eds.), Language Typology and Language Universals.
  • Schneider, Thomas. 2003. “Etymologische Methode, die Historizität der Phoneme und das ägyptologische Transkriptionsalphabet” in Lingua aegyptia: Journal of Egyptian Language Studies 11:187–199.
  • Rabinovich, Yakov. 2004. Isle of Fire: A Tour of the Egyptian Further World.
  • Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae 2004 = Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, https://aaew.bbaw.de/tla/, Corpus issues 1-19, Web app version 1.x, 2004-2014, ed. by Stephan Seidlmayer on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (accessed: 2024-12-04).
  • Takács, Gabor. 2008. Etymological Dictionary of Egyptian, vol. 3.
  • Di Biase-Dyson, Camilla; Kammerzell, Frank; Werning, Daniel A. 2009. “Glossing Ancient Egyptian: Suggestions for adapting the Leipzig Glossing Rules” in Lingua aegyptia: Journal of Egyptian Language Studies 17:343-366.
  • ed. Werning, Daniel A.; Glossing Ancient Languages contributors. 2013. Glossing Ancient Languages. Excellence Cluster Topoi, Berlin: Humboldt University Berlin.
  • Werning, Daniel A. 2015. Einführung in die hieroglyphisch-ägyptische Schrift und Sprache.
  • Haspelmath, Martin. 2015. “A Grammatical Overview of Egyptian and Coptic” in Egyptian-Coptic Linguistics in Typological Perspective.
  • Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae 2022 = Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, https://thesaurus-linguae-aegyptiae.de, Corpus issues 17-19, Web app version 2.x, 2022-..., ed. by Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning on behalf of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils on behalf of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (accessed: 2024-12-04).
  • Leiden Unified Transliteration (LUT) = 13th International Congress of Egyptologists (Olaf Kaper, president). 2023. “The Leiden Unified Transliteration”.

Other resources

  • Legge, F. 1902. “The History of the Transliteration of Egyptian” in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archæology, Volume 24.
  • Peust, Carsten. 1999. Egyptian phonology: an introduction to the phonology of a dead language.