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4@RadialPalm-OpenB@CenterChesthigh Contact 4@UlnarPalm 4@BasePalm Contact 4@TipFinger

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American Sign Language


Alternative forms

  • The nondominant hand may be in the “5” shape, i.e. with the fingers spread.



This ASL sign apparently illustrates the rows and columns of typical paper schedule.


left-hand open-B palm-right right-hand close-B palm-in left-hand touching left side of right-hand away from body in center of chest left-hand stays while turing to right-hand moves out while turning to
left-hand open-B palm-right right-hand close-B palm-left left-hand stays right-hand moves down
  • This two-handed ASL sign is produced as follows:
    1. Posture the nondominant hand in the “open B” handshape about half an arm’s length in front of and beside the chest, nondominant palm facing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “4” handshape with the dominant hand at the radial edge of the nondominant palm (near the thumb and index finger), dominant palm facing down with extended finger(s) pointing forward and across the body toward the nondominant side.
    2. Brush the finger tips of the dominant hand in a "plaid" pattern over the nondominant hand, first across the palm from radial (thumb) side to ulnar (little finger) side.
    3. Posture the nondominant hand in the “open B” handshape about half an arm’s length in front of and beside the chest, nondominant palm facing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “4” handshape with the dominant hand at the ulnar edge of the nondominant palm (between the wrist and little finger), dominant palm facing down with extended finger(s) pointing forward and across the body toward the nondominant side.
    4. Then rotate the dominant hand so the palm is facing across and toward the body and place the dominant fingers at the base of the nondominant hand.
    5. Posture the nondominant hand in the “open B” handshape about half an arm’s length in front of and beside the chest, nondominant palm facing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “4” handshape at the base of the nondominant palm, dominant palm facing up with extended finger(s) pointing back and across the body toward the nondominant side.
    6. Brush the dominant fingers to the tip of the nondominant hand.
    7. Posture the nondominant hand in the “open B” handshape about half an arm’s length in front of and beside the chest, nondominant palm facing up. Posture the dominant hand in the “4” handshape at the base of the nondominant palm, dominant palm facing up with extended finger(s) pointing back and across the body toward the nondominant side.




  1. schedule
    FlatB@Chest-PalmBack 4@RadialPalm-OpenB@SideChesthigh Contact 4@UlnarPalm 4@BasePalm Contact 4@TipFinger Y@SideNeckhigh-PalmBack-Y@SideNeckhigh-PalmBack Y@SideChesthigh-Y@SideChesthigh O@Side-PalmUp-O@Side-PalmUp Release Release OpenB@Chin-PalmBack OpenA@NearChin-ThumbUp OpenB@Sfhead-PalmBack Y@NearSfhead S@NearInsideChesthigh-S@NearInsideChesthigh Sidetoside-Sidetoside FlatB@SideChesthigh-PalmUp-5@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack FlatB@InFinger-PalmUp-5@CenterChesthigh-PalmBack
    MY SCHEDULE NOW MUCH BETTER WHY WINTER BREAK. (“My schedule is much better now because it's the winter break.”)
  2. calendar