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  1. come into being
    1. be born
      1. (∅-) there is birth, to be born.
      2. (ł- causative) to bring into being, to give birth; to make, to build.
      3. (l- passive) to be born; to be related by clan.
      4. (l- causative-reflexive) to cause oneself to be, to bring oneself into being; to feign, to pretend.
    2. write
      1. (ʼakʼiʼa- + ł- transitive) to write, to mark, to tattoo.
      2. (ʼakʼiʼa- + l- reflexive) to tattoo oneself.
  2. collect (maybe original meaning?)
    1. (ł-) to collect money, donations.
  3. crowd (maybe a different root?)
    1. (l-) to gather, to form a crowd.
    2. (l-) (uncertain derivation) to have a nightmare.

Stem set

MOM / TRANS -chííh -chį́ -chííł -chííh -chííł
CONCL -chí -chį́ -chííł -chííh -chííł

See also Appendix: Roots and stems derivation.

Derived terms


Navajo terms belonging to the root -CHĮ́ (come into being)

Navajo terms belonging to the root -CHĮ́ (collect)

Navajo terms belonging to the root -CHĮ́ (crowd)