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Middle Korean






-ㄴ뎌〮 (-ntyé)

  1. suffix used to exclaim or state a fact with certainty and emphasis.
    • 1459, 월인석보 (月印釋譜), volume 23:
      그 어미 닐오ᄃᆡ 아가 아가 긴 에 몯 볼까 ᄒᆞ다니 오ᄂᆞᆳ날 地獄門 알ᄑᆡ셔 아기와 서르 관뎌
      The mother said, "My baby, my baby! I thought we would never see each other again over the eons, but now we have met together in front of the door to hell!"

Usage notes

  • -고나 (-kwona) is used to exclaim newly-learned information or realization, whereas ㄴ뎌 (-ntye) expresses the statement with a degree of certainty, and -ㄹ쎠 (-lssye) expresses the speaker's emotions.[1]


  • Korean: -ㄴ저 (-njeo)

See also

Middle Korean sentence enders
Form Mood Notes Applied to (sye-, to stand)
-다〮 (-tá)
-라〮 (-lá)
Declarative Unmarked 셔다〮 (Yale: syètá)
-우〮마〮 (-wúmá) Promissive 셔우〮마〮 (Yale: syèwúmá)
-ㄴ (-n) -다〮 (-tá) Interrogative Realis Obligatory for second-person (2P) subject 션다〮 (Yale: syèntá)
-가〮 (-ka) Polar question, non-2P subject 션가〮 (Yale: syènká)
-고〮 (-kwo) Wh-word question, non-2P subject 션고〮 (Yale: syènkwó)
-ㅭ (-lq) -다〮 (-tá) Irrealis Obligatory for 2P subject 셜따〮 (Yale: syèlttá)
-가〮 (-ká) Polar question, non-2P subject 셜까〮 (Yale: syèlkká)
-고〮 (-kwó) Wh-word question, non-2P subject 셜꼬〮 (Yale: syèlkkwó)
-니〮- (-ní-) -아〮 (-Gá) Realis Non-honorific Polar question 셔니〮아〮 (Yale: syèníGá), 셔녀〮 (Yale: syènyé)
-오〮 (-Gwó) Non-polar question 셔니〮오〮 (Yale: syèníGwó), 셔뇨〮 (Yale: syènywó)
-ㅅ- (-s-) -가〮 (-ká) Deferential No polarity distinction 셔닛〮가〮 (Yale: syèníská)
-ᅌᅵᆺ- (-ngìs-) Highly deferential 셔니〮ᅌᅵᆺ가〮 (Yale: syèníngìská)
-리〮- (-lí-) -아〮 (-Gá) Irrealis Non-honorific Polar question 셔리〮아〮 (Yale: syèlíGá), 셔려〮 (Yale: syèlyé)
-오〮 (-Gwó) Non-polar question 셔리〮오〮 (Yale: syèlíGwó), 셔료〮 (Yale: syèlywó)
-ㅅ- (-s-) 가〮 (-ká) Deferential No polarity distinction 셔릿〮가〮 (Yale: syèlíská)
-ᅌᅵᆺ- (-ngìs-) Highly deferential 셔리〮ᅌᅵᆺ가〮 (Yale: syèlíngìská)
-라〮 (-lá) Imperative Ordering Non-honorific 셔라〮 (Yale: syèlá)
-아〮쎠〮 (-ássyé)
-어〮쎠〮 (-éssyé)
Deferential 셔〮쎠〮 (Yale: syéssyé)
-쇼〮셔〮 (-syósyé) Highly deferential 셔쇼〮셔〮 (Yale: syèsyósyé)
-고〮- (-kwó-)
-오〮- (-Gwó-)
-라〮 (-lá) Requesting Non-honorific 셔고〮라〮 (Yale: syèkwólá)
-려〮 (-lyé) Deferential 셔고〮려〮 (Yale: syèkwólyé)
-ᅌᅵ- (-ngì-) -다〮 (-tá) Highly deferential 셔고〮ᅌᅵ다〮 (Yale: syèkwóngìtá)
-져〮 (-cyé) Propositive Plain 셔져〮 (Yale: syècyé)
-사〮- (-sá-) -ᅌᅵ- (-ngì-) -다〮 (-tá) Deferential 셔사〮ᅌᅵ다〮 (Yale: syèsángìtá)
(-n) -뎌〮 (-tyé) Exclamatory Self-honoring 션뎌〮 (Yale: syèntyé)
-ㅭ (-lq) -셔〮 (-syé) 셜쎠〮 (Yale: syèlssyé)
-고〮나〮 (-kwóná) Only sixteenth century 셔고〮나〮 (Yale: syèkwóná)
Based on 나찬연 2020, 중세 국어의 이해; Lee and Ramsey 2011, History of the Korean Language. Morphological segmentation of the verbal paradigm sometimes differs between analyses. The list is not exhaustive.


  1. ^ 이승희 (1996) 중세국어 감동법 연구 (Thesis), 서울대학교 대학원