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From Azerbaijani -luq, a form of -lik.



-лугъ (-luɣ)

  1. used to derive abstract nouns from adjectives;
    бабли (babli, rotten) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎баблилугъ (babliluɣ, rottenness)
    мацӏи (mac̣i, white) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎мацӏилугъ (mac̣iluɣ, whiteness)
  2. used to derive abstract nouns from nouns
    вичи (viči, brother) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎вичилугъ (vičiluɣ, brotherhood)
  3. used to derive nouns denoting work/jobs from nouns denoting professions
    гьокъкъабаз (hoq̇q̇abaz, trickster) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎гьокъкъабазлугъ (hoq̇q̇abazluɣ, trickery, work of a tricker)
    нана (nana, mother) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎наналугъ (nanaluɣ, motherhood)
  4. used to derive nouns denoting places characterized by abundance of something from nouns
    чейил (čejil, swamp) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎чейиллугъ (čejilluɣ, swampy place)
    цац (cac, thorn) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎цацлугъ (cacluɣ, thorny place)
  5. used to derive adjectives from nouns; -ly
    усен (usen, year) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎усенлугъ (usenluɣ, yearly)
  6. (non-productive) used to derive nouns denoting kinship other than by blood; step-
    нана (nana, mother) + ‎-лугъ (-luɣ) → ‎наналугъ (nanaluɣ, step-mother)

Derived terms


Further reading

  • Gukasjan, Vorošil (1974) “-лугъ”, in Удинско-азербайджанско-русский словарь [Udi–Azerbaijani–Russian Dictionary]‎[1], Baku: Academy Press, page 262