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Text style Emoji style
🥵︎ 🥵️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
🥵 U+1F975, 🥵
Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs 🥶





An overheated, sweaty face.




  1. An emoji indicating physical attraction or sexual arousal.
    • 2022 December 11, TarvidD12, “Comment on 'It’s been 6 months since vaginoplasty…'”, in r/MtF[1] (in English), Reddit, retrieved 20 March 2023:
      Yeah this is gonna be me after vaginoplasty, I'm already Horney AF and taking it in the rear daily. Just imagine how bad I'll be when I don't need any real prep time 🥵
    • 2023 March 15, Sex_Haver_420, “Comment on 'How is HRT going?'”, in r/MtF[2] (in English), Reddit, archived from the original on 15 March 2023:
      I used to be 6'1 and now I'm a tiny bit under 5'11 so I get measured at 5'10. I know handful of cis women who are taller than me and two of them are super hot and they get me like 🥵🥵🥵
  2. An emoji indicating uncomfortably high temperatures.