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Text style Emoji style
🤝︎ 🤝️
Text style is forced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
🤝 U+1F91D, 🤝
Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs 🤞





A handshake.




  1. An emoji indicating a greeting or agreement.
  2. (Internet slang) Connects two people or things that are in agreement or harmony.
    • 2023 June 1, Mara Santilli, Melanie Curry, “The 9 Best Websites and Apps to Check Out if You Wanna Get Your Birth Control Delivered”, in Cosmopolitan (in English):
      The pill 🤝 your doorstep. [subtitle]
    • 2023 June 29, Alex Wilhelm, “Big Tech corporate venture capital 🤝 generative AI startups”, in TechCrunch[1] (in English):
      As the race to build generative AI tools for the enterprise devolves into a battle royale, Big Tech companies are busy wielding their most powerful weapons: checkbooks. [see title]

Usage notes


Using this emoji with skin type modifiers 🏻, 🏼, 🏽, 🏾, 🏿 will result in the following:

Fitzpatrick skin types
1-2 3 4 5 6
🤝 🤝🏻 🤝🏼 🤝🏽 🤝🏾 🤝🏿