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𘆽 (radical 𘥇+7, 12 strokes, composition ⿰𘥇𘨬)
- horse
- the Horse, the seventh of the twelve Earthly Branches (Chinese 午 (wǔ)).
- 𗀋𘆽𗿳 (*phio² gjij¹ dzjɨj¹)
- 𘆽𗁜𗰘 (*gjij¹ wjor¹ ꞏu²)
- 𘆽𗴹 (*gjij¹ no²)
- 𘆽𗿳 (*gjij¹ dzjɨj¹)
- 𘆽𘆝 (*gjij¹ rjijr¹)
- 𘆽𘆭 (*gjij¹ ljị²)
- 𘆽𘌖 (*gjij¹ źjwɨr¹)
- (Chinese zodiac signs) 𘋇 (*xjwi¹), 𗵊 (*mju̱²), 𗱈 (*le²), 𗍍 (*tser¹), 𗵃 (*we¹), 𗀋 (*phio²), 𘆽 (*gjij¹), 𘍂 (*mjo²), 𘂶 (*wjị¹), 𗿼 (*dźjwow¹), 𗗻 (*na¹), 𗘅 (*gju¹) (Category: txg:Chinese zodiac signs)