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𗐱 (radical 𘡊+5, 8 strokes, composition ⿱𘡊⿰𘠡𘠴)
- Suffixed to the stem 1 form of verbs to form the second/third-person-subject first-person-plural-object form.
- Suffixed to the stem 1 form of verbs to form the first/third-person-subject second-person-plural-object form.
- Suffixed to the stem 1 form of verbs to form the first/second-person-plural-subject third-person-object form.
- 𗌹𗐱 (*njijr¹ nji²)
- 𗙫𗏵𗐱𗴟𗘺𗦀 (*ꞏa mja¹ nji² pja¹ mjij¹ xo)
- 𗷅𗡝𘉒𗐱 (*śjɨ² kja¹ mo² nji²)
- 𗼞𗐱 (*kow² nji²)
- 𗼞𗐱𘛂 (*kow² nji² bji̱j²)
- 𗿒𗐱 (*khwej² nji²)
- 𘎮𘎆𗐱 (*pjị¹ dźjwɨ¹ nji²)
- 𘎵𗴛𗇋𗐱 (*zjịj² tśjwow² mjijr² nji²)