𗋕 (radical 𘠣+8, 10 strokes, composition ⿲𘠣𘣁𘡧)
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- 𗋕𗅉 (*thja¹ niow¹)
- 𗋕𗋚𗍊 (*thja¹ wjɨ² sju²)
- 𗋕𗖵 (*thja¹ bju¹)
- 𗋕𗡶 (*thja¹ śjij¹)
- 𗋕𗯩 (*thja¹ twụ¹)
- 𗋕𘏚 (*thja¹ tjị²)
- 𗋕𘒣𗷝𗵆 (*thja¹ dạ² mjij² śjɨj¹)
- 𗋕𘝨 (*thja¹ zjọ²)
- 𘝞𗗚 (in Tangut), 12th c.: Level Tone volume, folio 28B, column 2, character 2
- 𗙏𘙰 (in Tangut), 12th c.:
- Li Fanwen (2012) 簡明夏漢字典 (in Chinese), revised edition, character 2019
- Miyake, Marc (2019) “Tangut Phonetic Database 4.0”, in amritas.com
- Kychanov, Yevgeny (2006) Словарь тангутского (Си Ся) языка (in Russian), character 4502-0
- Sofronov, Mikhail Viktorovich (1968) Грамматика тангутского языка (in Russian), character 4310
- Nishida, Tatsuo (1966) 西夏文小字典 (in Japanese), character 181-093