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Hypothesized by Rilly to be from an earlier form *asta, in which case it might be related to Proto-Nubian *es-ti.



𐦠𐦶 (ato /attu/)

  1. water

Alternative forms



  • Török, László (1997) The Kingdom of Kush: Handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization, page 63.
  • Rilly, Claude (2016) “Meroitic” in the UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, version 1(1), page 9.
  • Rilly, Claude, de Voogt, Alex (2012) The Meroitic Language and Writing System, New York: Cambridge University Press, →ISBN, page 99
  • Meeks, Dimitri (1973) Liste des mots méroïtiques ayant une signification connue ou supposée, Meroitic Newsletter / Bulletin d'informations méroïtiques № 13, pages 3–20