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trad. (藍藍路)
simp. (蓝蓝路)
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From and popularized by the Chinese title, “最终鬼畜蓝蓝路 (“Final Demon Ran-Ran-Rū”), of a Japanese parody video, 「M.C.ドナルドはダンスに夢中なのか?最終鬼畜道化師ドナルド・M」 (“M.C. Donald Was Obsessed with Dance? Final Demon Clown Ronald M.”), whereby this phrase, ran-ran-rū (“らんらんるー”), and a number of other meaningless noises are excessively repeated and arranged into the tune of 「U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか」 (“U.N. Owen Was Her?”), a piece of background music from the Touhou Project, for parodic effect.

The original quote where this phrase was from is the follows: 「ランランルー!ドナルドは嬉しくなると、ついやっちゃうんだ!みんなも一緒にやってみようよ、いくよ!ランランルー」 ("Ran-ran-rū! Whenever Ronald McDonald gets happy he can't help but moves like this! Everybody let's try it together, come on! Ran-ran-rū!")



Proper noun


藍藍路 (neologism, Internet slang, humorous)

  1. McDonald's
  2. Ronald McDonald
  3. the series of bodily movements (or dance) performed by Ronald McDonald in the video mentioned above, including the shout ran-ran-rū itself, which subsequently became a meme on the Chinese and Japanese internet
  4. the meme itself mentioned above

See also
