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Kanji in this term
Grade: 1

Grade: S
Alternative spelling



(たま) (tama, ball, orb, gem) + () (mo, alga, sea weed).





(たま)() (tamamo

  1. (archaic) Eulogistic name for () (mo, alga, sea weed).
    • c. 759, Man’yōshū, book 6, poem 931:
      鯨魚(いさな)(とり) (はま)()()(きよ)() (うち)(なびき) (おふる)(たま)()() (あさ)()()() ()()(なみ)(よせ) (ゆふ)()()() 五百(いほ)()(なみ)(よす) ()()(なみ)() (いや)敷布(しくしく)() (つき)()()() (ひに)(ひに)雖見(みとも) (いま)(のみ)() (あき)(たら)()八方(やも) ()()()()() 五十()(さき)廻有(めぐれる) 住吉(すみよし)()(はま) [Man'yōgana]
      鯨魚(いさな)()り 浜辺(はまべ)(きよ)み うち(なび)き ()ふる(たま)()に (あさ)なぎに ()()(なみ)()せ (ゆふ)なぎに 五百(いほ)()(なみ)()す ()(なみ)の いやしくしくに (つき)()に ()()()とも (いま)のみに ()()らめやも 白波(しらなみ)の い()(めぐ)れる 住吉(すみよし)(はま) [Modern spelling]
      Isana tori hamabe o kiyomi uchinabiki ouru tamamo ni asanagi ni chie-nami yose yūnagi ni ioe-nami yosu he tsu nami no iya shiku-shiku ni tsuki ni ke ni hi ni hi ni mitomo ima nomi ni aki-tarame ya mo shiranami no i-saki-megureru sumiyoshi no hama
      Whale hunting - purifying the beach, on the fluttering, growing gems of algae, to the morning calm, 1000 folds of waves lap, to the evening calm, 500 folds of waves lap; waves of the shore, still more exceptional under the Moon, how can I get bored just now to look at them day by day? Sumiyoshi beach, where whitecaps are blooming around.