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to have; there is; there are
to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be
road; path; way
trad. (有路)
simp. #(有路)






  1. (Cantonese) to have an affair; to be in a secret romantic relationship
    成日見到佢哋一齊十成十有路 [Cantonese, trad.]
    成日见到佢哋一齐十成十有路 [Cantonese, simp.]
    seng4 jat6 gin3 dou3-2 keoi5 dei6 loeng5 go3 hai2 maai4 jat1 cai4, sap6 sing4 sap6 jau5 lou6 laa1. [Jyutping]
    I always see the two of them together. Something's definitely going on between them.
  2. (Hokkien, Wu) to have a way; to have a means
  3. (Hokkien) to suit one's taste; to delight in; to have a passion for