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(suff. for certain nouns); to hope; to wish
(suff. for certain nouns); to hope; to wish; Palestinian, Palestine (abbrev.); Pakistan (abbrev.); Pascal (unit of pressure)
(suff. for certain nouns); to hope; to wish
(suff. for certain nouns); to hope; to wish; Palestinian, Palestine (abbrev.); Pakistan (abbrev.); Pascal (unit of pressure)
to close; stop up; shut
to close; stop up; shut; obstruct
to close; stop up; shut
to close; stop up; shut; obstruct
trad. (巴巴閉閉)
simp. (巴巴闭闭)
AABB-type reduplication of 巴閉巴闭.





巴巴閉閉 (Cantonese)

  1. (derogatory) haughty; wordy