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bullet; shot; ball
bullet; shot; ball; to play (a stringed instrument); to pluck a string; impeach
to brag; to boast; to bluff
to brag; to boast; to bluff; to talk nonsense; to chatter idly
trad. (便所彈吉他——臭彈) 便所 吉他 —— 臭彈
simp. (便所弹吉他——臭弹) 便所 吉他 —— 臭弹
alternative forms 便所內彈吉他——臭彈便所内弹吉他——臭弹
Literally: “playing the guitar in the toilet - playing at a stinky place (bragging)”.


  • Southern Min (Hokkien, POJ): piān-só͘ tôaⁿ gì-tà, chhàu-tōaⁿ / piān-só͘ tôaⁿ gih-tah, chhàu-tōaⁿ

  • Southern Min
    • (Hokkien: General Taiwanese)
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī: piān-só͘ tôaⁿ gì-tà, chhàu-tōaⁿ
      • Tâi-lô: piān-sóo tuânn gì-tà, tshàu-tuānn
      • IPA (Taipei): /piɛn³³⁻¹¹ sɔ⁵³ tuã²⁴⁻¹¹ ɡi¹¹⁻⁵³ ta¹¹ t͡sʰau¹¹⁻⁵³ tuã³³/
      • IPA (Kaohsiung): /piɛn³³⁻²¹ sɔ⁴¹ tuã²³⁻³³ ɡi²¹⁻⁴¹ ta²¹ t͡sʰau²¹⁻⁴¹ tuã³³/
    • (Hokkien: variant in Taiwan)
      • Pe̍h-ōe-jī: piān-só͘ tôaⁿ gih-tah, chhàu-tōaⁿ
      • Tâi-lô: piān-sóo tuânn gih-tah, tshàu-tuānn
      • IPA (Taipei): /piɛn³³⁻¹¹ sɔ⁵³ tuã²⁴⁻¹¹ ɡi(ʔ)³²⁻⁵³ taʔ³² t͡sʰau¹¹⁻⁵³ tuã³³/
      • IPA (Kaohsiung): /piɛn³³⁻²¹ sɔ⁴¹ tuã²³⁻³³ ɡi(ʔ)³²⁻⁴¹ taʔ³² t͡sʰau²¹⁻⁴¹ tuã³³/




  1. (Hokkien) to brag; to boast; to bluff; to talk nonsense; to chatter idly