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From English rookie.





ルーキー (rūkī

  1. in baseball, a player new to the sport or to a team: rookie
    • 1949, 坂口安吾, 戦後新人論[1], 青空文庫:
      [] (いち)(げい)(ひい)でたスポーツマンは(ほか)のスポーツにも(おう)(よう)のきゝ(やす)いものであるから、ルーキー(さが)すに、(げん)(ざい)()(きゅう)(せん)(しゅ)をねらわず、(ほか)のスポーツの(せん)(しゅ)(ねら)うという()があると(おも)う。
      [] ichigei ni hiideta supōtsuman wa hoka no supōtsu ni mo ōyō no kikiyasui mono de aru kara, rūkī o sagasu ni, genzai no yakyū senshu o nerawazu, hoka no supōtsu no senshu o nerau to iu te ga aru to omou.
      [] sportsmen who excel at one sport are usually able to adapt their skills to other sports, so when looking for rookies, going after athletes of other sports instead of current baseball players is always an option.
  2. a new employee: rookie