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ハポ (Latin spelling hapo)

  1. (Hokkaido, Kuril) mother
    Synonyms: ウヌ (unu), トㇳト (totto), ノンノ (nonno)
    クコㇿ ハポ アン
    Ku-kor hapo an.
    She is my mother.
  2. (Kuril) older sister
  3. (Kuril, South Kuril) brother


  • John Batchelor (1905) An Ainu-English-Japanese dictionary (including a grammar of the Ainu language)[1], Tokyo, London: Methodist Publishing House; Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner Co., page 135
  • 単語リスト(アイヌ語・日本語)―石狩川― (Tango List Ainu-go Nihon-go - Ishikari River, Word List (Ainu / Japanese) - Ishikari River)[2] (in Japanese), Sapporo, Hokkaidō: 公益財団法人アイヌ文化振興・研究推進機構 (Zaidan Hōjin Ainu Bunka Shinkō / Kenkyū Suishin Kikō, Foundation for the Advancement, Research, and Promotion of Ainu Culture), 2014 (Hokkaido)
  • DYBOWSKI のシュムシュ島アイヌ語資料について(第1部) (DYBOWSKI No Shumushu Tō Ainu Go Shiryō Ni Tsuite (Dai 1 Bu), On DYBOWSKI's Shumshu Island Ainu Language Materials (Part 1))[3] (in Japanese), Fukuoka: 村山七郎 (Murayama Shichirō), 1970 (Kuril)
  • Anna Bugaeva and Tomomi Satō (2021) A Kuril Ainu Glossary by Captain V. M. Golovnin (1811)[4], Tokyo: International Journal of Eurasian Linguistics (Kuril)