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From English ecology.





エコロジー (ekorojī

  1. (biology, medicine) ecology (branch of biology studying the relationships among organisms and their environment)
    Synonym: 生態学 (seitaigaku)
    • 1995, Hoshikawa Jun, Ekorojī tte nandarō [What is ecology?], →ISBN, page 8:
      Ekorojī o benkyō shitain datte?” onsen ni mukau kuruma no naka de, Jun-san ga kīta.
      “Ee. Demo, mada kanzen to shiterun desu. Koto o motto yoku shiritai na to omōteru dake”
      “Hozen seibutsu gaku da na”
      “So, you want to study ecology?” Jun asked in the car on the way to the hot spring.
      “Yeah. But I’m still not clear about it. I just want to know more about what it is.”
      “Study of conservation biology, isn’t it?”
    • 2021 August, Nakamoto Kenji, Kanai Takanori, “Chōnai saikin to meneki [Intestinal bacteria and immunity]”, in Ikai no ayumi, volume 278, number 9, page 770:
      Chōnai saikin wa shukushu ga sesshu shita eiyōbun o riyō shinagara seisoku shi, tashu saikin to shukushu to sōgo ni eikyō o oyoboshinagara chōnai ni ekorojī o keisei suru.
      Intestinal bacteria live in the gut, where they utilize nutrients taken in by the host and interact with other bacterial species as well as the host to constitute the internal ecology of the gut.
    • 2022 November, Shimoyama Atsushi, “Kisei / kyōsei kin ripido A o kiten to shita ajubanto kaihatsu [Parasitic and symbiotic bacteria lipid A as origin for adjuvant development]”, in Trends in Glycoscience and Glycotechnology, volume 34, page 101:
      Kinnen, ripido A o kaishita saikin shukushu aida kemikaru ekorojī ga sonzai suru to iu aidea no moto, shukushu to no kyōshinka ni yori LPS no kagaku kōzō henka ga shōji, tei-dokusei na men'eki chōsetsu inshi o yūsuru koto ga yosoku sareta kisei kyōsei kin yurai seibun ga chūmoku sareteiru.
      In recent years, starting from the idea that lipid A-mediated bacterial host-host chemical ecology exists, attention has focused on components from parasitic and symbiotic bacteria, where co-evolution with the host has resulted in a chemical conformational change in LPS, which is predicted to have low-toxicity immunomodulatory properties.
  2. environmental protection; environmentalism (ideology in favor of protecting the environment)
    • 1987 July 23, “Kankyō kogo shōhin ni ‘eco-maku’ [‘Eco-mark’ on environmentally friendly goods]”, in Chunichi Shimbun, page 3:
      Kankyōchō wa nijūninichi, kankyō o yogosanai shōhin ni suishō māku o kōfu shite “osumi tsuki” o ataeru ekorojī māku (ekomāku) seido o rainen ichigatsu kara jisshi suru koto o kimeta.
      The Environment Agency decided on the 22nd to implement a system from January of next year by which an ecology mark (eco-mark) will indicate an ‘official certification’ on goods that do not pollute the environment.
    • 1994, Mishima Jirō, Seibutsushi kara no ekorojī [From living history to ecology], page 97:
      Nagai keiken ni motozuite no mono wa genzai ni jūbun tsūyō suru, iwayuru ekorojī raifu no yoridokoro to shite, mō ichido mukashi no hito no kotoba ni mimi o katamukete mite hoshī.
      Based on their long experience which is also relevant to our lives today, we should heed the words of the ancients once more as a basis for so-called ecological living.
    • 2017 April 29, “Tanoshiku manande, toshi jūman raikan [Enjoying and learning, 100,000 visitors per year]”, in Asahi Shimbun, page 22:
      Tanoshiminagara kankyō mondai ga manaberu Miyako (miyako) Ekorojī Sentā (Fushimi ku) no raikansha ga sakunendo, jūman-nin o koe kako saikō to natta.
      The number of visitors at the Metro (Miyako) Ecology Center (Fushimi ward), where visitors can have fun while learning about environmental problems, was a record-high 100,000 last year.
  3. social ecology (study of the relationships among people and their environment)
    Synonym: 社会生態学 (shakai seitaigaku)
    • 2024 March 3, “‘Media ekorojī’ / ‘rabu retā no kakikata’ netto shakai de tou ‘kodoku’ no imi [‘Media ecology’, ‘how love letters are written’ and the significance of blaming internet culture for ‘solitude’]”, in Kōsho Kōjitsu [Good life with books][1], archived from the original on 2024-04-02:
      Awasete, katsute “Seishin no Seitaigaku” o choshita Amerika no jinrui gakusha Beitoson no shisaku to terashi awase “jōhō no seitaigaku (media ekorojī)” o meguri samazama na kakudo kara toi o hassuru.
      At the same time, in brings to mind questions from various angles on American anthropologist Gregory Bateson’s notion of ‘the ecology of information’ (media ecology) in his Steps to an Ecology of Mind.

See also

  • エコ (eko, eco-friendly; eco-friendliness)

