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For pronunciation and definitions of なんばん – see the following entry.
[noun] (derogatory, archaic) a foreigner from Portugal or Spain; more broadly, a westerner in general
[noun] (in Japan from the mid-1400s) the inhabitants of Southeast Asia, particularly the islands of Luzon and Java in the modern-day Philippines and Indonesia
[noun] (in ancient China) the non-Chinese ethnic groups to China's south
[noun] (in the ancient Baekje kingdom of the Korean peninsula) the island of Jeju to the south
[noun] a type of movement in kabuki, bunraku, and Japanese dance where the performer mirrors left and right (based on a common myth that westerners walked differently somehow)
[noun] Short for 南蛮辛子 (nanban-garashi):
[noun] Short for 南蛮黍 (nanban kibi):
[noun] a general term for styles of cooking that use leeks, chilis, and oil
[noun] Short for 南蛮煮 (nanban ni): a soup or stew dish cooked with leeks
[noun] Short for 南蛮船 (nanbansen): a sailing ship from Spain or Portugal (in the Muromachi and Edo periods)
[prefix] from the west, from Europe
(This term, なんばん, is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)