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For pronunciation and definitions of とらのお – see the following entry.
- [noun] Synonym of 岡虎の尾 (oka tora no o, “gooseneck loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides”)
- [noun] Synonym of 虎の尾羊歯 (tora no o shida, “Asplenium incisum”)
- [noun] Synonym of 虎の尾桜 (tora no o zakura, “a cultivar of cherry tree”)
- [noun] Synonym of 山蘇鉄 (yama sotetsu, “Plagiogyria matsumureana”)
- [noun] Synonym of 瑠璃虎の尾 (ruri tora no o, “azure speedwell, Veronica subsessilis”)
- [noun] Synonym of 九蓋草 (kugaisō, “Veronicastrum japonicum”)
- [noun] Synonym of 天南星 (tennanshō, “plants of genus Arisaema”)
- [noun] Synonym of 杉蘭 (sugiran, “Phlegmariurus cryptomerinus, a species of clubmoss”)
- [noun] Synonym of 犬粟 (inuawa, “Setaria chondrachne”)
- [noun] Synonym of 海虎の尾 (umi tora no o, “Sargassum thunbergii”)
(This term, とらのお (toranō), is the hiragana spelling of the above term.)