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Any of various Chinese-derived terms.
For pronunciation and definitions of こうへい – see the following entries.
- [proper noun] the Kōhei era, 1058-1065
- [proper noun] a male given name
(This term, こうへい (kōhei), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 甲兵, 交兵, 降兵, 耿秉, 衡平.)
Any of various names. For the connotations of each name, see the entries for the individual characters used.
こうへい • (Kōhei)
- 耕兵, 耕平, 黄平, 江平, 幸兵衛, 甲兵, 康兵, 享兵, 亘兵, 洸兵, 紘兵, 幸兵, 高兵, 弘兵, 晃兵, 嵩兵, 宏兵, 巧兵, 浩兵, 孝兵, 恒兵, 皓兵, 光兵, 虹兵, 功兵, 垢兵, 厚兵: a male given name
- 高平, 公平: a surname