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See also: | |, ǁ [U+01C1 LATIN LETTER LATERAL CLICK], ‖ ‖, [U+2225 PARALLEL TO], and [U+23F8 DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR]

U+2016, ‖

General Punctuation
For IPA use, the symbol may be made heavy to distinguish it from the lateral click ⟨ǁ⟩.



Alternative forms




The caesura mark is a variant of the medieval Latin virgula (scratch comma).



  1. (literature) Used to indicate caesuras.
    Hwæt! wē Gār-Dena in gēar-dagum
  2. (IPA) Used to indicate a major prosodic break, which may be any level of prosodic unit if a single bar marks a metrical foot, or may mark the end of a final prosodic unit if a single bar marks the end of a continuing unit.
    Coordinate term: |
  3. (lexicography) Used to indicate an unnaturalised or foreign word.
  4. (music) A pointing mark in Anglican chant, used to mark the place in a verse which corresponds to the double barline in the chant, in circumstances where this is not the same place as the colon which divides the two halves of the verse; typically done when one half is very short.
    Coordinate terms: |, ', :, *, ·, ,
    The angel of the Lord tarrieth | round about | them that fear him : | and de|livereth | them.
    Psalm 34:7

Usage notes

  • The IPA symbol is intended to be typeset in bold typeface, and is presented that way in the official IPA symbol charts.