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Ancient Greek




From ἀ- (a-, not) +‎ κῑνητός (kīnētós, moving).



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ἀκῑ́νητος (akī́nētosm or f (neuter ἀκῑ́νητον); second declension

  1. unmoved, motionless
    1. idle, sluggish
    2. unmoved, unaltered
  2. immovable, hard to move
    1. not to be stirred, inviolate
    2. not to be shaken, steadfast (of persons)
    3. unalterable
    4. inseparable from
This entry needs quotations to illustrate usage. If you come across any interesting, durably archived quotes then please add them!




  • Translingual: Acinetobacter

Further reading
