[edit]Compound of *ᚺᚨᚦᚢᛉ (*haþuʀ, “war, battle”) + *ᛚᚨᛁᚲᚨᛉ (*laikaʀ, “play, sport”). The first element may also be *ᚺᚨᛞᚢᛉ (*haduʀ /handuʀ/, “hand”), with non-writing of a nasal before a homorganic consonant. For this compare the secure instances ᚲᚢᚾᛁᛗᚢᛞᛁᚢ (kunimudiu /Kunimundiu/) and ᚱᚨᚷᛁᚾᚨᚲᚢᛞᛟ (raginakudo /raginakundō/).
Proper noun
[edit]ᚺᚨᛞᚢᛚᚨᛁᚲᚨᛉ (hadulaikaʀ) m
- a male given name
- 3rd-6th century, inscription on the Kjølevik Stone (KJ75, NIæR19):
- ᚺᚨᛞᚢᛚᚨᛁᚲᚨᛉ ¶ ᛖᚲᚺᚨᚷᚢᛊᛏᚨᛞᚨᛉ ¶ ᚺᛚᚨᚨᛁᚹᛁᛞᛟᛗᚨᚷᚢᛗᛁᚾᛁᚾᛟ
- hadulaikaʀ ¶ ekhagustadaʀ ¶ hlaaiwidomaguminino
- /Hadulaikaʀ. Ek Hagustaldaʀ hlaiwidō magu mīninō./
- Hadulaikaʀ [lies here?]. I, Hagustaldaʀ/the young warrior, buried my son.
- 3rd-6th century, inscription on the Kjølevik Stone (KJ75, NIæR19):